Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Devot. Thanksgiving!

Hi Folks,

Happy Thanksgiving Week!!  

The have a 7 devots. below for you to choose from all they all pertain to Thanksgiving.  
Give a look through and see what pertains to you the most right now.   

Thanksgiving can be a very blessed time celebrating with family, it can bring stress though, be a time to instill a godly legacy in your kids, grandkids or the "littles" in your life. This holiday can also be an opportunity to invite those without family or friends into your home for a meal, but also very hard for some folks, esp. if they do not a good relationship with their family or have recently lost a loved one.  

This devots. below handle these aspects and I pray that there is one that will comfort, bless and prepare your heart for the heart of Thanksgiving-giving thanks to God for all that we have.

I was listening to Thanksgiving sermon this weekend and I wanted to note one thing that I gained from it came from it and also include the link if you had time to listen to it in snippets on your way to work, on lunch break etc..(it's not long, but the message is very useful!) He used Ps. 136 as his reference passage.  Verse 1 states, "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever."

The pastor said that this chapter was a responsive reading chapter. When people where gathered at the Temple in Jerusalem to worship in Old Testament days, if the Priest was reading this chapter, he would read one verse and then the people would respond with the words, "For His mercy endures forever!"   These specific words alone are used 36 times along in this chapter!!!  That is God's way of trying to tell us something important, get us to pay attention!  Verse 26 states, "Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven! For His mercy endures forever."

The pastor said that the last verse in the chapter was a way of saying, "Ok, now you know that you should praise the Lord for all He has done for you!  So, what are you waiting for??!!"   Indeed, what are we waiting for??? Why give thanks on one day?  Like I challenged last week, start to look for things to thank the Lord for each day, it could be as simple as clean water, a warm house or a green lights to work.  What you are thankful for does not matter, it is the "attitude of gratitude" that the Lord is longing to hear from you.

Lord bless you and yours this week!! Thanksgiving blessings!

Sermon:  Thankful or Entitled: (first link if you scroll down a bit)

(Read and Share devotionals.  Taken from

Thanksgiving Prayer to Download and Share:

Thanksgiving Day:

A Prayer for Safe Travels: 

5 Ways to Handle a Hard Holiday:

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