Saturday, July 20, 2019

Devot. Slow Down, See God in Everyday Life

Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a great weekend!  I have 2 trains of thought for you this week, but I'm going to try and tie them together:)

Train of thought Number One is slowing down the pace of life, and Number 2 is seeing God through everyday life.

During the summer months, life is supposed to slow down,  we can take a break from the hustle and bustle that occurs during the school year.   But for some folks, they fill their days so full of vacations and busy things that they need a vacation from all their activities!

How do we slow down and smell the roses and also rest our hearts?  Below is are 2 devotionals, one that shares 6 verses of how to rest our hearts, minds and lives this summer, the 2nd one is the spiritualness behind slowing down and the 3rd one is how to live out your faith and and celebrate the blessings in everyday life. 

Now, what do we miss by not slowing down and getting some rest here and there through the summer?  We can miss seeing the blessings of God in our lives, His provision, His tender care, and the love He showers our lives with everyday.
My mom always says that if we would just open our physical eyes and really look for His hand at work through each day, we would see all that God is doing in our life, around us, how He blesses us in ways that we do not deserve, but that shows His love for us.

I pray that the devots. below will encourage and refresh your heart this week.   

Lord bless you and yours!

6 Verses to Help You Rest this Summer: 

Devot. Patriotism!

Hi Folks,

I hope you had a good week!   Our devotional topic is a piggyback to our previous devotional on freedom, so I am going to look at the topic of patriotism.

As I look at the state of our country, I believe that we are turning away from a sense of patriotism- a love of God, country and the flag, all 3 parts key elements in what gave our country a firm foundation to build on, the very essence of what made America truly great and made the US what it was.   

I was watching a very old patriotic movie over the weekend (Yankee Doodle Dandy, 1942) and was struck by how our country exuded a VERY proud, patriotic spirt.  Americans were PROUD to fly the US flag, wave it in their hand, sing the national anthem, and pray for our soldiers as they served in war. 

As I watched this film, I thought of how our country has been turning against Biblical values for some time, but it now seems more blatant than ever.  Our country is trying their hardest to rid themselves any Biblical symbols or expressions ("In God We Trust") that grounded the US. 

Our love and respect for "the grand old flag", the symbol of our nation is greatly diminishing.   Where once we greatly respected it, remembered all those who fought under, and shed their blood for it in the early days of our country, now folks in our own nation burn it in front of the White House without a second thought or argue over the "political incorrectness" of our early flag before it had all 50 stars on it (In other foreign countries, if a person would burn or disrespect their country's flag they would more than likely be jailed or killed for their criminal offense).   God help us....

2 Chronicles 7:14 states, "....if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 

If a country is blessed, healed and forgiven of their sins by humbling themselves before the Lord, sincerely praying/seeking Him in their lives, turning away from sin personally and nationally, what happens if the opposite occurs?

Blessings will be withheld.  We see though the Old Testament Scripture that God always withheld blessings and brought forth judgement when nations (we especially see the Nation of Israel in the OT) turned away from Him and worshiped false gods, idols (an idol is anything that we set up in our hearts and lives as more important than God, comes between us and Him- could be anything from a car to a person).

I think we are reaching that same point-of blessing behind withheld and God needing to do something to get our attention.  God is very patient (2 Peter 3:9), but He is also a jealous God when 100% worship, respect and reverence due Him is transferred, or discarded (Deuteronomy 4:24).  

So what is my point?  I believe that we need to pray, ask God to help each of us gaining a renewed or greater sense of reverence for Him, a love for a country and a respect for our flag and then pray that same spirit starts to permeate our nation.  God help us!

Below is a history lesson that I think will be useful to each of us and will be enjoyable to read.  It 's a link that gives a brief description of the true story behind the Betsy Ross Flag and the meaning of the 13 stars (I think we need to be educated in light of the news a few weeks ago from Niki) and I've included a patriotic devotional with a spiritual twist:)

Enjoy a short trip down a historical road this week and I pray that what you learn will be useful in educating someone else.  Lord bless you this weekend! 

Betsy Ross: (Taken from

An Army With Banners: (Used by permission.  

Devot. Freedom!

Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a great weekend!!   

Our devotional for this week is on freedom, as I backspace to the celebration we had in the US earlier this month- July of 4th.

I was thinking this weekend on the word "Freedom" and remembering that my former pastor always said that folks think the 4th of July is all about independence, freedom from something (like oppression) and it is.  But he always said that the 4th of July was also our chance to declare our "Dependence On God."

Many people groups in our world today think that freedom from God in one's personal life, the marketplace, the political area, the schoolhouse, even the church scene produces a better life, an opportunity to do as one wishes in freedom.

Now look closely at our world today and think about all that is going on in a negative sense- shootings, not just in schools, corruption on many levels, innocent babies being killed even up to the moment of delivery, Christians overseas being persecuted (imprisoned, tortured, killed), the tolerance for anything and intolerance towards the things of God.
I personally don't think that our world has improved by its freedom "from God", instead that is has become more "enslaved" to many things that are ungodly, immoral and even hurtful to oneself (drugs for instance).  

As you will see in the devotes. below, Galatians 5:13 says, "For you, brethren, (Speaking to men and women who have trusted Jesus for salvation) have been called to liberty;  (freedom) only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, (not using liberty as a chance to do as we please) but through love serve one another."

Verses of Romans 6 says the same thing, (verses 1-2) "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?  Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?" 

Verses 5-6, "....knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be [a]done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin."

Verses 14-16, "Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts. And do not present your members as [d]instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace."

These verses state our Christian liberty, bought by Christ's blood is not a ticket to sin, to live as we choose.  We actually make ourselves slaves, servants to sin and ungodliness when we live according to our desires.  When we live according to God's Word, where He shows us what a godly, Christlike lifestyle looks like, we live a life of true freedom, not a slave to sin but a servant of God,(verses 15-22) having the strength to live a life that reflects Him. 

Below are two devotionals.  The first one is the main one I want you to read, it gives a bit of history, which I love, and then ties it into Scripture. The 2nd one you can read later this week and it shows a unique parallel between 4th of July and Easter...very interesting.

Have a blessed weekend! 

(Devots. used by permission.  Taken from

Genuine Liberty:

Devot. Courage!

Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a great weekend! 

I was thinking last weekend of what devotional topic to cover and the word "Courage" came to mind.   "Courage" for me represents asking God to give me His boldness and lack of fear so that I can hand someone a Gospel tract as I run errands.  It can also mean sincerely being able to tell someone that isn't a Christian that I am praying for them as they share the week they have had.

"Courage" for you could mean making it through another day as you face a trial in life.   It could mean having the Courage to be honest in your work dealings if someone has asked you to do something that you know is "fudging" things a bit.  It could mean that God is convicting your heart that you must be truthful with someone who asks your opinion on something.   You know what God's Word says, they have asked you what you think, but you're afraid to tell the the truth. 

We live in a world where they are many Courageous folks-our law enforcement, emergency, military (even intelligence) personnel who risk their lives in order to save others.  We read stories in the news of ordinary folks who saw a danger, a need and ran to help, risking their own safety.

But we are also living in a changing world that is becoming so sensitive, or the polar opposite, so tolerate to the point of not being Courageous enough to speak the Truth for fear of offending someone.  New Testament Scripture encourages boldness where the Truth within God's word is concerned (Acts 4:29, Ephesians 6:20, Rom. 1:16) and yet being Christ-like, kind, respectful, but honest in the process (Colossians 4:6).  

Our world, in spite of what we see in front of us each day, is searching for answers and is hurting in the process of looking.  Just as Pontus Pilate asked Jesus at His mock trial when He was brought before him, "What is truth?" (John 18:38), our world is looking for it in all the wrong spots.  Jesus said in John 14:6 that He was Truth itself.   We as Believers carry the answers to life questions, the means of making it through the tough times, as found in Scripture.  The question is, "Do we have the courage to share It?"   

Below are 3 devots. that are about Courage.   I pray that you would find one this weekend that the Lord will use to meet you where you are.  May the Lord give us His courage to speak is Truth with honestly, but respectfulness to those looking for answers (1 Peter 3:15-16).  May He give you His Courage to face whatever is in front of you, knowing He is beside you (Joshua 1:9).

Lord bless you!

(Read and Share.  All 3 devots. taken from
Good Courage: 

The Impact of Courage:

Take Me Deeper: