Monday, January 14, 2019

Devot. Peace That Lasts

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a super weekend and are staying healthy and well.
This devot. is a continuation of our Tuesday devot-how to have lasting peace.
Isaiah 5:6 calls Jesus a "Prince of Peace" and He Himself promised to give us peace in John 14:27.
How does this peace remain?   I find myself praying, asking God for it, during the times when  my heart and mind are in turmoil.     Does He send it?  Yes, He definitely does!  The times when I lack peace are usually when I get my eyes on my circumstances, start worried or stop resting in the peace He has already sent.
I pray this devot. gives you a little snippet of how you too can have the Lord send you His peace when you need it:)
Blessings on you and yours this week!

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