Monday, January 14, 2019

Devot. Embracing Peace in the Busy Holiday Season

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a very blessed Christmas with your families!
The devot. for today is about dealing with stress during or even after the holidays.
For some of you, you may be thinking, "That was a wonderful Christmas.  I hate for it to end."
For others of you, you may be feeling like, "Whew!  I am so glad that it (the gift wrapping, card writing and business)is over with for one more year!" 
Some of you may have had a restful Christmas season,  but the business is just about to start over again and you wish you could re-claim the calm of Christmas.  Others of you may be hoping that the first month of 2019 is calmer than the past month of year of your life.
Either way, this devot. below focuses on managing the stress, overcoming it, and finding the peace of the Lord in your daily life.
Jesus promised in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled neither let it  be afraid."
The Lord Jesus promises to give us a peace that the world can neither understand nor give.   With this peace comes the encouragement to not  be troubled in heart or afraid.   So the Lord's peace can  be ours this year.
Pray this devot. is a comfort to your heart this week.   I have also included a song link for the New Year.   You will recognize the tune, but the lyrics have been changed into a worship song.   I LOVE the song and recognized some of the lyrics as passages/verses from Scripture. 
May the Lord bless you and yours with His peace and presence in the New Year!

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