Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Devot. Encouragement

Hi Folks,
I hope you have had a peaceful weekend. 
The devot. for today is different than our usual series, but one that I felt the Lord wanted me to send.
Galatians 6:2 sates, "Bear (carry ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." 
We, as Christians, are called to help our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (and others) carry their trials, burdens, disappointments, heartaches esp. in practical ways. 
The devots. below shows 5 practical ways to help others during difficult times and I pray it gives you ideas of how you can be a blessing.
Now, if you are the one in need of a blessing and encouragement at this time, I have included a 2nd devot. for you as well that I hope will  boost you up this weekend:) 
Below the 2nd devot. I have also included a free resource  that you can get from https://www.intouch.org/.   
It's a free book that I ordered for myself a few weeks ago. What I have read so far has been a blessing, so please look into it!
Lord bless you and yours this week!
 5 Ways to Show that You Care:

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