Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Devot. An Autumn Blessing for Your Family

Hi Folks, 
I hope you had a good start to your week!  

Before we get back into our Today is Your Day series, I have an Autumn Blessing devot. below.   I hope it reminds you to enjoy the  beauty of God's creation at this time of year.    
Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to  every purpose under the heaven:"   The chapter than goes on to describe different 'seasons' in life-a time to be born, to die, a time to plant and a time to harvest (vs.1).   Well, we are into the harvest season and how beautiful it is, praise the Lord!
I have included an interesting article on something that is happening in schools, nationwide, on October 4th.  It's  Bring Your Bible to School Day. I thought I would pass on the details for you to share and encourage your young people to do this Thursday.   It is legal and constitutional, so check this out in regards to the kids in your life:)
I was also sent a link for a free book.   It's the true story of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, the Romanian pastor I mentioned last year (a movie was made on his imprisonment and boldness for the Lord) who started Voice of the Martyrs.    VOM is offering it  free that details his true story and I thought it may interest some of you/encourage you  in your faith. 
I hope you have a very blessed week!

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