Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Devot. The Living Savior

Hi Folks,
I hope you are having a good day!  
Our devot. is on Christ living in our lives.   The devot. is short, and to the point , but I thought
it was powerful.   Pray it gives you a spiritual boost for the week!
Devot. http://www.icr.org/article/21890 (Used by permission.   Taken from http://www.icr.org/)

Devot. Today is Your Best Day: Because Christ is in You

Hi Folk,
I hope you had a good weekend!
We are back in our series, "Today is Your Best Day".   If you have trusted Jesus as Savior, today is your best day because you have Him in your life.    We were never meant to live life apart from Jesus.   
 In John 15:4-5, Jesus speaks of Himself as a Vine (spiritually) and those who have trusted Him as braches (spiritually).  "Abide (means "remain faithful to", "live")  in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.  I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." 
Jesus was saying that just as branches cannot grow or produce fruit unless they are connected to the life giving vine,  those who have trusted in Him must let Him live in them if they want to produce much spiritual fruit.   For without Him, we cannot do anything!   That means living, even breathing! 
The Lord never asks that we "do life" on our own.   Galatians 2:20 says, " I am crucified with Christ: (I have surrendered my life to Jesus.   I don't live for myself anymore, I live for Him!) nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."
Philippians 4:13 says, " I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." 
The devot. below encourages us how to be someone who reflects the Lord Jesus in actions, attitude and speech and directs others to Him by these and other areas, but not in or own strength-doing it in the strength the Lord Jesus an give us.
I also have another link below and an email from the American Center of Law and Justice.  The link below is a for a sermon that I recently listened to and really enjoyed.   It ties into our devot. as well.   How do we reflect Jesus in our secular jobs (or life in general) in away that draws others to us, not away from us?  
The sermon is apart of a  series (5 sermons I think),I would be HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to listen to it in 5 or 10 minute clips throughout you week.   The series was VERY practical and inspiring and I think you will gain MUCH from taking the time to listen to it.     The preaching from this church (that I found through social media) has been a tremendous boost to my life and I've been very impressed with how they are displaying Jesus to their community.   I'm looking forward to sharing more practical sermons from them in the future!
Lord bless you and yours this week!
Sermon:   The Beauty of Work

Devot. Encouragement

Hi Folks,
I hope you have had a peaceful weekend. 
The devot. for today is different than our usual series, but one that I felt the Lord wanted me to send.
Galatians 6:2 sates, "Bear (carry ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." 
We, as Christians, are called to help our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (and others) carry their trials, burdens, disappointments, heartaches esp. in practical ways. 
The devots. below shows 5 practical ways to help others during difficult times and I pray it gives you ideas of how you can be a blessing.
Now, if you are the one in need of a blessing and encouragement at this time, I have included a 2nd devot. for you as well that I hope will  boost you up this weekend:) 
Below the 2nd devot. I have also included a free resource  that you can get from https://www.intouch.org/.   
It's a free book that I ordered for myself a few weeks ago. What I have read so far has been a blessing, so please look into it!
Lord bless you and yours this week!
 5 Ways to Show that You Care:

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Devot. A Season of Change

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good start to your week! 
This devot is based on the verse in Ecclesiastes 3 I mentioned in the previous devot.,
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:"
Life is full of seasons, isn't it?   Some are very beautiful, some are painful, some are productive and other seasons are times of waiting (on the Lord, on answers to pray, on results from tests for our health).  But each season is beautiful  in it's own way and in God's timing.    Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "He hath made every thing beautiful in his time:"
I hope this devot. reminds you to enjoy the fall season that we have and to look for the beautiful things God has in store for you in the season of life you currently are in.  I have also included a link for Ecclesiastes 3 if you wish to read about the 'purposes and seasons'  God speaks of that have been referenced in the devots, this weekend.
Lord bless you and yours this week! 
(Used by permission.   Taken from http://www.icr.org/homepage/)

Devot. An Autumn Blessing for Your Family

Hi Folks, 
I hope you had a good start to your week!  

Before we get back into our Today is Your Day series, I have an Autumn Blessing devot. below.   I hope it reminds you to enjoy the  beauty of God's creation at this time of year.    
Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to  every purpose under the heaven:"   The chapter than goes on to describe different 'seasons' in life-a time to be born, to die, a time to plant and a time to harvest (vs.1).   Well, we are into the harvest season and how beautiful it is, praise the Lord!
I have included an interesting article on something that is happening in schools, nationwide, on October 4th.  It's  Bring Your Bible to School Day. I thought I would pass on the details for you to share and encourage your young people to do this Thursday.   It is legal and constitutional, so check this out in regards to the kids in your life:)
I was also sent a link for a free book.   It's the true story of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, the Romanian pastor I mentioned last year (a movie was made on his imprisonment and boldness for the Lord) who started Voice of the Martyrs.    VOM is offering it  free that details his true story and I thought it may interest some of you/encourage you  in your faith. 
I hope you have a very blessed week!

Devot. Encouragement in Every Season

Hi Folks

I hope you had a good weekend and that the Lord has sent reminders of His love and care into your life.
Pray that the devot. below gives you a boost of encouragement for your week!

Lord bless you and yours!
(Used by permission.   Taken from https://www.intouch.org/)

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Free Christian Mom Asia Bibi from a Death Sentence!

Dear Friends,
Below is a petition and update on Asia Bibi, imprisoned Pakistani Christian wife and mom who is on death row for her faith in Jesus Christ.
 Her life literally hangs in the balance, and her fate-life or death by hanging- is to be decided this week, but I believe that prayers and support can make a world of difference.
If the Lord wishes to be glorified by her life, her life will be spared.   But if He can be seen through her testimony and steadfast faith in Him and is martyred, then she will be Home with Him.
2 Corinthians 8:6-8 states, "Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:  (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)  We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."
Pray for strength and the Lord's presence for Asia and her precious family and sign and pass along
the petition!
Lord bless you and yours this weekend!
From the American Center for Law and Justice:

Christian mom Asia Bibi does not deserve to be hanged.
Her fate could literally be decided at any moment.
After years of delays, the resignation of a justice, and the murder of an elected official who supported her, Asia Bibi's final appeal was just heard.
Sign the Petition Now
In a critical argument before a special three-member bench of Pakistan's Supreme Court, Bibi's attorney pointed out numerous errors in her trial. Even the judges demanded the prosecution present actual evidence.
She was sentenced to death by hanging nearly eight years ago under Pakistan's barbaric blasphemy laws when she (who as a Christian is considered unclean) offered a Muslim co-worker a glass of water.
We've presented Asia Bibi's plight to the U.N. to urge intervention. We've sent legal letters directly to Pakistan, demanding her immediate release. And our legal team was in the courtroom this week.
Asia Bibi has committed no crime - she does not deserve to die because of her Christian faith.
The decision could literally come out at any moment. She needs your voice immediately. Demand her freedom NOW.
Sign Our EMERGENCY PETITION: Save Christian Mom Asia Bibi.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

Devot. Secure Hope

Hi Folks!

I hope you had a super week! 

Below is a devot. that s a mirror of what we learned on Tuesday-trusting that  God has a plan, good plans, even during uncertain times and that we can trust that He knows what He is doing.
Pray it blesses you this weekend!   Lord bless you and yours!
Devot. https://www.intouch.org/read/magazine/daily-devotions/secure-hope   (Used by permission.   Taken from

Devot. Today is Your Best Day Because of God's Plan

Hi  Folks,
I hope you had a good week! 
We continue again today in our "Today is Your Best Day" series and this one focuses on God's plan in our lives.
I'm sure we have all had days or longer stretches of time when we have asked the Lord, "What on the earth are You doing!?"   I'm sure I've given you Isaiah 55:8-9 before, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
God's ideas, thoughts and plans are not on the same level as ours (and in my case I say 'thank you" for that).
I do know that Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."  God's plans, even if they may be painful at the time, are not meant to destroy us.   They may be used to bring us back to Him if we have wandered, knock some sense into us if we aren't listening to His voice, or can be used to make us stronger spiritually. 
James 1:3-4, " Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.  But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect  (means spiritually mature, not faultless) and entire, (complete) wanting nothing."
God knows what He is doing.   He may show us here on earth what He is doing, other times He may wait awhile to show us the reason behind His plans or we may not see it until Heaven.  
 Job 23:10, " But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." 
I pray this devot. is an encouragement to your week to keep pressing forward.   " I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 3:14
I have also included a interesting link below that I found entitled "The Miracle of the 9/11 Bible."   Since last week was 9/11, his article details the true story of a Bible found at Ground Zero and the passage it was turned to.
Lord bless you and yours this weekend!