Sunday, March 25, 2018

Devot. The Blood of Redemption

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a great weekend! 
The devot. for today is a really neat one.  It is a throwback to Tuesday's devot. and it's about Jesus' blood and how it spiritually cleanses us from our sin.
This devot. is a 4 part series and it looks wonderful-spiritually uplifting and an opportunity to learn a Biblical concept that  is crucial in Scripture.
I don't have permission to link you directly to the devot., so I will give easy directions below.
I pray you have a peaceful week!
Click on this Website:
Scroll all the way down to the bottom.
Under MORE Click on the link that says Stories
Click the purple Lent on the top right side of the screen
Scroll down a bit and Click Circle 5
Our devot. is on this screen-The Blood of Redemption

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