Sunday, March 25, 2018

Devot. The Blood of Forgiveness and Cleansing

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good weekend!  
We are continuing our series on why the blood of Jesus is so crucial for the forgiveness of our sins,
how it cleanses us spiritually, and how it paid for our ticket to Heaven.
I shared Part 1 of this series from for Friday's devot,, "The Blood of Redemption."
Today I will share Part 2, "The Blood of Forgiveness and Cleansing."   Since I don't have permission to directly link you to the devot.
 I will give you simple directions on how to find it.   For you folks who haven't read  "The Blood of Redemption," it can also be found on the same page as our devot. for today.
Lastly, since last Saturday was St. Patrick's Day, sent a neat, short article on the man behind the holiday, who he really was.
It is an encouraging, inspiring read and I think if you can take the time to read it through your week, you will learn some neat facts about the real St. Patrick.
Lord bless you and yours this week!
Click on this Website:
Scroll all the way down to the bottom.
Under MORE Click on the link that says Stories
Click the purple Lent on the top right side of the screen
Scroll down a bit and Click Circle 5
Our devot. is on this screen-The Blood of Forgiveness and Cleansing

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