Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend!
I couldn't let this week past without paying tribute and remembrance to the 9/11 families and all the heroes of this day. What I wrote came out of the burden I personally felt to remember and I wanted to share my thoughts.
For those of you who have lost a loved one, you know that anniversaries and the days leading up to them can bring back a flood of memories, some pain, renewed grief and yet joy when you remember your loved one.
I'm sure this is how the families of America feel as the nation remembers their lost loved ones.
The motto of that day was "Never Forget." While I'm not saying we should remember the horror of that day and watch clips of the Towers falling (it's painful, I'm sure most especially to the 9/11 families).
But I am saying we must remember the heroes of that day: the firefighters who rushed in the burning Trade Tower Buildings; civilians who helped the injured when they were hurt themselves; those who were injured in the attacks and still live with health challenges; the brave men and women who helped takeover the plane intended for DC, but crashed in PA in order that only their lives were lost, not countless others; the countless children who have bravely survived and grown up with the loss of a 9/11 parent;
These are America's heroes.
For a good many years our nation and it's citizens rallied around the flag, the anthem that is the symbol of the United States' independence, the heroes and families of 9/11.
Where has our support gone? Where is the remembrance and reverence of this day that changed America forever?
My heart is stirred and yet hurts and I think of the change. Would you join me this week in pledging to "Never Forget" America's heroes and to pray for the 9/11 families on the anniversary?
By forgetting, we cease to remember valuable lessons out country learned and the grace and healing God brought to our nation.
The devot. below is on Remembering. It brought tears to my eye when I found this specific one, as it hits the nail on the head.
I have also included a song that should be familiar to all. We are blessed to live in the USA, a land of the free because of the brave. God bless you and yours this week.
Devot. (Used by permission. Taken from
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