Tuesday, September 13, 2016

All God's Creatures: Petition

Dear Readers,
I believe that God created all animals to bring Him glory and praise as Psalm 150:6 says, "Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD.  Praise ye the LORD."
The below petition is to stop the slaughter of 44,ooo horses by an organization that has mismanaged land and it's occupants before.  If you are an Animal Advocate as I am, please sign the petition below and feel free to copy this blog link and pass it along!
Sincerely, Grace

Take Action to STOP the Wild Horse Wipeout!
The Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board
has recommended that the BLM kill over 44,000 wild horses currently in holding
facilities across the U.S. We cannot let that happen.
Please act urgently to ensure the biggest horse slaughter in history does not go ahead.
The BLM has mis-managed public lands for 20 years by continuing to round up
and remove wild horses from the range and stockpile them in holding facilities
while allowing ranchers to abuse public lands to feed cows.
The 1971 Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act declares that wild horses are
living symbols of the American West and the Act is designed for the protection,
management and control of these wild horses. However the BLM continues to try
ONLY to control horses in every way possible whilst offering them NO protection
along with constant mis-management.

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