Friday, August 7, 2015

Devot. The Power of the Cross

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a blessed week!
The devotional for today is the power of the Cross of Jesus.
Many churches and even so called Christians try to diminish the power that the blood of Christ and His cross can have in the life of a person.   His sacrifice on Calvary made a difference in my life and I pray it has or will in your life.
I pray this devot. is a blessing and makes you think-How has Christ made a difference in my life?  If you can't think of anything, it isn't because He can't or hasn't, but are you letting Him make you more like Himself (make a difference)?  Pray you and yours have a blessed, safe and Christ filled weekend!
 Oh, as an FYI, I received word on Wed. through the that the Sudanese pastors I have mentioned previously in devotionals were miraculously released!  Thank you for signing petitions and praying!  They are true heros of the faith!   (Devot. below)


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