Friday, March 6, 2015

Devot. White as Snow

Dear Friends,
I pray you and your families have had a safe, healthy week.
I had been having a really hard time deciding on a devot. for today.
I hope to start a series leading us up to and preparing us for Easter but I need to take the time to find devots. on this topic.
So the devot. for today is about snow:)  I figured that with all the midwest has been getting,
there must be a way to give it a spiritual application!  :)
I pray it is a blessing and teaches you something very important from Scripture concerning how the Lord views our sin in light of what He did for us on the cross.    
Speaking of Easter, I have included a link for a book you can get regarding preparing your heart for this holy season and it is for FREE! No joke.  All you have to do is just order it via the internet.  There are no catches at all.
The ministry offering it (from whom I have sent devots. out from) is just wanting to be a blessing to folks and help them grow spiritually.
  I pray you will take the time to order it as it will give jump start our Easter devots.
Lord bless, keep safe, and protect you and your loved ones this weekend!
Devot.  (Used by permission.  Taken from

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