Thursday, March 19, 2015

Devot. The Scarlet Hope

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a peaceful week!  This week where I live it is up in the 50's and it is feeling like spring!
The devot. for today is a carry over of our topic of us being washed "white a snow" in light of our sins being
like "scarlet."
I've included as excerpt from last Friday devotional explaining what is meant by this statement.  Hope its helps to
clarify and shed spiritual light!
"How can blood make anything white?  Usually it stains and can't come out. Yes, in the human sense this is true. 
But we are talking about in the spiritual sense. So how can blood make us white?  Because it is Christ's blood and His blood
has a spiritual cleaning power!  Think of a spiritual Oxyclean!  It works 'deep down,' (deep into our heart, spirit, lives), gets 'the toughest stains'
(the worst kinds of sin imaginable), and leaves us clean and white ('and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin' " (1 John 1:7).
This is a powerful Biblical truth, folks and is what Easter all really all about.  Christ's suffering and the blood He shed was God's means and plan
of paying for the sins of mankind.   His resurrection proved He was God and demonstrated that what He did paid for the sins of mankind in full, there was nothing
we had to do ourselves to get to Heaven because He already paid our ticket to get there through His blood and it also showed we could have the hope of Have through
trusting HIs finished work on the cross.  This is something to reflect on and I pray you will do so this weekend.
Lord bless and keep safe and healthy you and your loved ones this weekend! Devot.  (Used by Permission. Taken from

Devot. Grace From Beginning to End

Dear Friends,

I hope you have had a good week!
The devot. for today shows us that God's grace has been shown to mankind from the beginning to the end of the Bible-start to finish.
"Grace" is God giving us what we don't deserve.   As sinners in the eyes of a Holy God we DON'T deserve a chance to get to Heaven by faith in Jesus Christ.
What we as sinners DO deserve is to pay for our own sis by physical/spiritual death and separation  from Him in hell for all eternity. We may try our best to be good, but our goodness is as filthy rags in God's eyes (Isa. 64:6) and can  NEVER measure up to His perfectness (Heb. 4:15).
God showed His grace to us by sending His Son, Jesus Christ- God Himself-, to pay our sin debt for us by a horrendous death and wonderful resurrection. This is the 'scarlet thread' (you will see this wording at the end of the devot.) that you see through the history of mankind to this very day and in each of our lives.
I pray the devot. is an eye opener and a blessing.  I have also included a music link w/ a twist on a familiar hymn.   Lord bless and keep healthy and safe you and yours this weekend!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Devot. Treasures of the Snow

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a safe week.  Were I live it is beginning to feel like spring!
We have another 'snow' devot. :)  Someone mentioned to me in the last devot.
that the concept of Chirst's blood making us 'white as snow' was interesting and it is!
My Sunday School Class had this same questions/striking thought come up about a month ago.
How can blood make anything white?  Usually it stains and can't come out.
Yes, in the human sense this is true.  But we are talking about in the spiritual sense.
How can blood make us white?  Because it is Christ's blood and His blood has a spiritual
cleaning power!  Think of a spiritual Oxyclean!  It works 'deep down,' (deep into our heart,
spirit, lives), gets 'the toughest stains' (the worst kinds of sin imaginable), and leaves us clean and white ("and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin"  1 John 1:7).
 I pray that the devot. below is a blessing and gives added insight into this important and very true Bible truth.
I have added under the devot. a reminder of the free Easter booklet as well.  If not for you, then maybe you know of someone you could bless this with.  But I can say personally I have always learned and been blessed by IN Touch's magazines.
Lord bless and keep safe you and yours this week!
Devot.  (Used by permission.  Taken from

Friday, March 6, 2015

Devot. White as Snow

Dear Friends,
I pray you and your families have had a safe, healthy week.
I had been having a really hard time deciding on a devot. for today.
I hope to start a series leading us up to and preparing us for Easter but I need to take the time to find devots. on this topic.
So the devot. for today is about snow:)  I figured that with all the midwest has been getting,
there must be a way to give it a spiritual application!  :)
I pray it is a blessing and teaches you something very important from Scripture concerning how the Lord views our sin in light of what He did for us on the cross.    
Speaking of Easter, I have included a link for a book you can get regarding preparing your heart for this holy season and it is for FREE! No joke.  All you have to do is just order it via the internet.  There are no catches at all.
The ministry offering it (from whom I have sent devots. out from) is just wanting to be a blessing to folks and help them grow spiritually.
  I pray you will take the time to order it as it will give jump start our Easter devots.
Lord bless, keep safe, and protect you and your loved ones this weekend!
Devot.  (Used by permission.  Taken from

Monday, March 2, 2015

Devot. Nation's Lighthouse

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a safe weekend! Remember, spring is just around the corner:)
I found two neat links below! One is the devot. for this Friday and the other is a printable page that has a few Scripture verses on the topics of being a light in this world and your identity in Christ, like we talked about last week.
 Again, this is something I would print out and pin to your fridge, board in your office or on your desk at work for those times when you need a solid reminder of your worth in Christ.
I pray that the devot. is thought provoking as we look at the condition of our nation, and yet inspiring in what we as Believers in Jesus Christ can  do to shine as lights in this world. Lord bless and keep you and yours this week!