Dear Friends,
I hope you had a blessed weekend and are staying healthy
and warm!
Spring is just around the corner:)
Spring is just around the corner:)
The devot. for today and a
link I have provided are a big burden on my heart.
If you watch the news or see news articles online I'm sure you will agree
that our world is in a mess. It seems hopeless if you think of it too long. But in the midst of chaos
terror I try to pray, "Dear Lord, how can I make a difference and be useful
in shedding Your light?"
I have thrown out ideas before of how to make a dent in our world, hand
someone a Gospel tract, tell someone you are praying for them, sign a petition that will bring about a moral change,
however tiny, in our world.
My mom always reminds me that it is better to light one candle then to
curse the darkness.
I pray the devot. below is a comfort, blessing and the Lord gives you ideas
of how to shed light in your own way.
I have also included an important petition link below that can help you
make a difference this week.
The first one is very burdensome to me. I'm sure that the tv show that is
mentioned in the link is familiar to you, but what our little people are being exposed to because of it is extremely troubling
to me. While this tv series may seem harmless, the rating is R, is extremely sexual in content and as Christians we are
supposed to intentionally pour into our minds content that is "pure,
lovely, just" not "dirty and spiritually ugly." Please sign the petition
underneath the devot. if you agree that this content should not be aired in
front of our children and they should be protected.
May the Lord use you to make a difference this week!
(P.S. Be a conscious
citizen keep an eye out this week for any folks needing help with w/ shoveling
or critters outside that shouldn't be or w/o proper shelter. You can anonymously
call your local animal control, shelter if
you see something concerning in this area.)
(Used by permission. Taken from
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