Monday, February 23, 2015

Devot. Discovering Your Identity/Help for Iraqi Believers

Dear Friends,

I pray you have had a blessed weekend!
 The devot. for today is a different format than usual.  It is a devot., but it is also a Q and A/study article as well.
Not long at all, but it gives you a chance to ask yourself, "Who am I in Christ?" Not who people think you are, or even
who you think you are, but who are you in Christ. 
I can think of one trait that identifies who you are that I'm sure you have no clue about! You are a saint!!
Some churches believe that good people can become saints, but God's Word says that if you have trusted Jesus as your way to Heaven, He considers you one!  It is because of faith in Christ, not our own goodness. 
1 Corinthians 1:2 says to a church in the city of Corinth, "Unto the church of God  which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both their's and our's:"
Those who were members at the church in Corinth Athens and others who had placed faith in Christ (those that had 'called upon the name of Jesus'-Romans 10:9-10) were 'saints' because they had been 'sanctified' (means set apart to godliness, holiness, Christlikeness) by their faith in Jesus and through His work in their life.
 Those who have trusted Jesus and Saviour also have this same distinction thanks to His work on the cross, His goodness, not ours.
The devot. below has a really neat chart gives identifying traits of Believers in Jesus and a Scripture to back it up.  I know that you can print this devot's page legally, so this would be the ideal thing to tape on your mirror or computer monitor when you need encouragement!
In addition to the article, I have included links to the 2 Scripture mentioned early on in the devot.   I pray that the devot. will minister and encourage you. It's short but thought provoking if you let it sink it.
Also at the bottom of the Scripture links is info. on how to meet a desperate need that Iraqi believers have right now-warm blankets.  Please pass it on and ask the Lord how you can help-though prayer or a bit of money.  This would be an  good 'corporate  opportunity'- youth group, work group, ladies/men's Bible study, Christian school, Scouts could work together to help. Give it some thought and prayer.
 The Lord bless and keep safe you and yours this week!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Missing Dog Found!

I posted a message a few weeks ago about a missing dog who was lost in TX.
His owner is Robert Fuller, actor in the 1950's-60's western Wagon Train.
I have been praying almost every day for the little guy to  be found and just saw this answer to prayer:
Thank you for passing along and praying!
"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  James 5:16

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Devot. Fight the Darkness With the Light of God's Word

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a blessed weekend and are staying healthy and warm!
Spring is just around the corner:)
The devot. for today and a link I have provided are a  big burden on my heart. 
If you watch the news or see news articles online I'm sure you will agree that our world is in a mess. It seems hopeless if you think of it too long.  But in the midst of chaos turmoil,
terror I try to pray, "Dear Lord, how can I make a difference and be useful in shedding Your light?" 
I have thrown out ideas before of how to make a dent in our world, hand someone a Gospel tract, tell someone you are praying for them, sign a petition that will bring about a moral change, however tiny, in our world.
My mom always reminds me that it is better to light one candle then to curse the darkness.
I pray the devot. below is a comfort, blessing and the Lord gives you ideas of how to shed light in your own way.
I have also included an important petition link below that can help you make a difference this week.
The first one is very burdensome to me.  I'm sure that the tv show that is mentioned in the link is familiar to you, but what our little people are being exposed to because of it is extremely troubling to me.  While this tv series may seem harmless, the rating is R, is extremely sexual in content and as Christians we are supposed to intentionally  pour into our minds content that is "pure, lovely, just" not "dirty and spiritually ugly."  Please sign the petition underneath the devot. if you agree that this content should not be aired in front of our children and they should be protected.
 May the Lord use you to make a difference this week!  
(P.S. Be a conscious citizen keep an eye out this week for any folks needing help with w/ shoveling or critters outside that shouldn't be or w/o proper shelter. You can anonymously call your local animal control, shelter if you see something concerning in this area.)
(Used by permission. Taken from  

Monday, February 9, 2015

Devot. The Hike of Your Life

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a safe weekend and are staying well.   I know this week is Valentine's Day, but I felt the Lord wanted me to stay on the trail we have been traveling on topic wise. 
The devot. for today is a continuation on the topic of one of the goals in life-being in the will of the Lord by walking in step with Him.
I added some personal thoughts that came to mind as I was thinking on this topic. In order to walk in step with the Lord we must first be willing to seek out His will for our lives.  
We have been talking about goals and resolutions this month.  This devot. gives another goal.  In order to make sure we are 'in step' with God,  right where He wants  us to be in life and doing what He wants us to do, we must know His will-His plans and goals for your life.  Jeremiah 29:11 gives one indication of God's will for our life. "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."
Finding God's will comes from much prayer (shows our dependence on God since we are not all knowing), fasting (shows we are serious about finding His will), asking God to search our hearts and minds, give us His wisdom (Prov. 3:5-6), open and close the doors He does or does not want us to walk though (Revelation 3:8-i.e. a job, relationship, buying a new house, car anything in life that is a change.) God is into every detail of our life, as He is a detailed God.  Look at creation and the human body as examples!
I will tell you personally that one indication of knowing what God does/does not want you to do in your life is when doors, opportunities open or close.  Yes God gives us freewill in our lives, He is a gentleman and will not have us be robots, but when I am asking Him, "I don't know what to do, please show me clearly" a opportunity will either open up, or close for me. Anther thing is that I will compare what I am looking at against the Bible.  Does this line up with what the Bible says?  For instance Scripture tells Believers not to marry someone who is not a Christian and has not placed their trust in Jesus alone for salvation(2 Corinthians 6:14, Amos 3:3).  So that eliminates who I would consider dating. 
 I have also personally found that when I am walking in step with God and doing what I felt in my heart He wanted me to do, I felt spiritually protected and anything that was maybe not perfect I felt He gave me His grace to handle.  The times I have been doing my own thing I felt a very big lack of peace in my life, things went really wrong, and I didn't feel nearly as protected as when I had been following God.  So God's will in out lives is a big thing!
Dear Friends, this is the first step to walking with God.  At least it has been in my life.  As the writer of the devot. says, walking with God is an adventure.  Sometimes you go over rocky trails and other times the pathways are smooth and even.  I was saying the other night to my mom that since I have been walking with the Lord, life has never been dull!
I also stated that you can either let experiences in life make you a stronger Christian, you can learn and spiritually grow and draw closer to God, or you can let it break you.
 I pray that the devot. below will help you to have a goal of pushing ahead even if the road gets tough.  Remember Heaven is our goal!  Lord bless and keep you and yours this week! Devot. below!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Devot. Understanding the Goal

Dear Friends, 
I hope you have stayed well and safe this week.  This devot. was a blessing to me and at this time in my life.
We have been talking about goals and resolutions the past month.  This devot. gives another goal.  In order to make sure we are 'in step' with God, right where He wants us to be in life and doing what He wants us to be doing, we must know His will-His plans and goals for your life. 
Jeremiah 29:11 gives one indication of God's will for our life- "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."
Finding God's will comes from much prayer (shows our dependence on God since we are not all knowing), fasting (shows we are serious about finding His will), asking God to search our hearts and minds, give us His wisdom (Prov. 3:5-6), open and close the doors He does or does not want us to walk though (Revelation 3:8-i.e. a job, relationship, buying a new house, car anything in life that is a change.)
God is into every detail of our life, as He is a detailed God.  Look at creation and the human body as examples of detail!
This devot. explains very clearly how to find God' will for your life. 
I will tell you personally that one indication of what God does or does not want you to do is when doors, opportunities open or close.  Yes, God gives us freewill in our lives, He is a gentleman and will not have us be robots, but when I am asking Him, "I don't know what to do, please show me clearly" a opportunity will either open up, or close for me. 
Another thing is that I will compare what I am looking at against the Bible.  Does this line up with what the Bible says?  For instance Scripture tells Believers not to marry someone who is not a Christian and has not placed their trust in Jesus alone for salvation(2 Corinthians 6:14, Amos 3:3).  So that eliminates who I would consider dating. 
 I have also found through mine that when I am walking in step with God and doing what I felt in my heart He wanted me to do, I felt spiritually protected and anything that was maybe not perfect I fetl He gave me His grace to handle. 
The times I have been doing my own thing I felt a very big lack of peace in my life, things went really wrong, and I didn't feel nearly as protected as when I had been following God.  So God's will in out lives is a big thing!
This devot. and was a big blessing to me when I needed it and I pray it will be for you.
Devot., Scripture and devot. are below. Lord bless and keep safe you and yours this weekend!
 (PS If you are in a 'snow area'  Keep an eye out for folks who need helping shoveling,  crossing a parking lot or even animals that are chained outside and shouldn't be.)