Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Devot. Accidental Resolutions

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a safe and healthy weekend! 
If any of your areas have been affected by snow,
I pray the Lord will keep you and yours safe this week.
The title of this devot. caught my eye as I was looking for a devot. for this week.
I was thinking last night of how I don't make New Year's Resolutions anymore. I would always make these big promises, with the best of intentions of keeping them, but I was never motivated enough to stick with them (exercise every day,  read a chapter of my Bible a day).
Now instead of making big promises that I know I can't live up to, I try to think of how I can be a better 'light'
for the Lord, make an eternal difference in the lives of people around me.  I try to think of how I can improve and be more productive every day.   I basically evaluate where I am spiritually and physically and think of how I can do better and make a dent in this world for the Lord.
Now New Year's Resolutions are good, goals in life are good for us.  They help us discipline our lives. Even Scripture says we need something to work toward.  Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish (spiritually and physically): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
So the devot. for today is on how to salvage those resolutions that were made, but in manageable and even more productive ways.  
I always feel that whenever we do something even the smallest thing -Reading those 5 verses of Scripture and thinking about how it applies your life instead of cramping a whole chapter and not knowing what you read, handing a Gospel track the gal behind the checkout counter, talking a 10 minute walk around your office- it counts towards making us physically and spiritually more mature and productive.  
I pray the Lord would bless and protect you and yours this week!  (PS If you are in a 'snow area'  Keep an eye out for folks who need helping shoveling, crossing a parking lot or even animals that are chained outside and shouldn't be.  Those fall into the category of 'what counts.' :) 
Scripture: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+119%3A11&version=KJV   (A Resolution to really try hard to keep!

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