Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Devot. Accidental Resolutions

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a safe and healthy weekend! 
If any of your areas have been affected by snow,
I pray the Lord will keep you and yours safe this week.
The title of this devot. caught my eye as I was looking for a devot. for this week.
I was thinking last night of how I don't make New Year's Resolutions anymore. I would always make these big promises, with the best of intentions of keeping them, but I was never motivated enough to stick with them (exercise every day,  read a chapter of my Bible a day).
Now instead of making big promises that I know I can't live up to, I try to think of how I can be a better 'light'
for the Lord, make an eternal difference in the lives of people around me.  I try to think of how I can improve and be more productive every day.   I basically evaluate where I am spiritually and physically and think of how I can do better and make a dent in this world for the Lord.
Now New Year's Resolutions are good, goals in life are good for us.  They help us discipline our lives. Even Scripture says we need something to work toward.  Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish (spiritually and physically): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
So the devot. for today is on how to salvage those resolutions that were made, but in manageable and even more productive ways.  
I always feel that whenever we do something even the smallest thing -Reading those 5 verses of Scripture and thinking about how it applies your life instead of cramping a whole chapter and not knowing what you read, handing a Gospel track the gal behind the checkout counter, talking a 10 minute walk around your office- it counts towards making us physically and spiritually more mature and productive.  
I pray the Lord would bless and protect you and yours this week!  (PS If you are in a 'snow area'  Keep an eye out for folks who need helping shoveling, crossing a parking lot or even animals that are chained outside and shouldn't be.  Those fall into the category of 'what counts.' :) 
Scripture: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+119%3A11&version=KJV   (A Resolution to really try hard to keep!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Devot. Paul's Method for Success, Petition, Free Online Concert

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a healthy and safe week!
As we progress through the beginning of this New Year, what adjustments, spiritual and physical, can we make to make the most of this year?  How can we grow in character,
Christlikeness, our daily walk with the Lord, and in practically in our everyday lives?
This devot. uses the example of the Apostle Paul.  He said in Philippians 3:14, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
Paul was running an earthly race, but he had a heavenly goal in mind -getting to Heaven at the end of his life- and was striving toward it in this life.   He knew God had pulled him out of the pit he had placed himself in (persecuting, killing and jailing Christians!- Acts 7:58, 8:1-4, 9:1-24)  by the convicting power of Jesus Christ Himself (9:3-4) and accepting Christ as his personal Saviour (9:17,20).  He wanted to 'run' his course on this earth in a way that was God honored with the promise of Heaven as his goal.
This devot. will look at Paul's life and give us ideas of how we can faithfully run this same race on earth, and make an eternal and physical difference while still here.
I have also included tow important links.  One is time sensitive.  It is a petition in regards to Pastor Saeed's wife.  He is the American citizen/Iran pastor who has been jailed for his faith in Iran over 2 years.  The other petition is a free Christian concert this week, that can  be watched online, that is in support of persecuted Christians in Iraq.
It looks awesome!  Please sign the petition, look the link over and send to friends.
May the Lord keep each of you and your families safe and healthy this week!  Lord bless!
Devot. http://www.icr.org/article/1412 (Used by permission.  Taken from http://www.icr.org/
Petition: http://aclj.org/ (Petition is on the right side of the screen, scroll down a bit)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Devot. One More Minute

Dear Friends,
I pray you have had a good weekend and have stayed healthy and warm!
The devot for today is on evaluation at the beginning of this new year.
If you only had one more day to live, what would you do to make a difference
and impact for eternity?  I was thinking of that as I read this devot. this weekend
and for me personally, if I had one more day to live I would want to lead someone
to Jesus Christ, tell them how to go to Heaven according to God's Word. 
I would want to take someone to Heaven with me.
The author of this devot. does such a beautiful job of explain all that I have personally been thinking in the last week or two.  Most of what she asks are questions, but they are good and thought provoking and I pray you will do some thinking.
Matthew 6:37 and Luke 12:25 reminds us that we cannot add an inch to our height or another day to our life by worrying about it, but Matthew 5:14-16 encourages Believers to let their light shine for the Lord.
It can be as simple as handing someone a Gospel tract and saying, "Here's something for you to read."  It doesn't take much to do that, and God does the rest of the work.  It can be giving $5 towards The Gideon's International in someone honor or memory and then that Bible will be placed somewhere in the world where it can be read.
It can be as easy as telling someone you are praying for them and doing just that. There are many ways we can shine for the Lord in 2015 and I pray the Lord will lay ideas on your heart as you read this.
I pray you and our families have a blessed, safe and health week!  (Devot. below and also another important link)
Devot. http://www.icr.org/article/8500  (Used by permission.  Taken from http://www.icr.org/)   
Anther link:  I would appreciate it if you would share and FaceBook if you can.  I feel sorry for the critter and his owner-name may ring a bell to some of you folks if you ever watched Laramie or Wagon Train.  Thanks! http://thejourneyheavenward.blogspot.com/index.html)


Friday, January 9, 2015

Missing Dog in TX

Dear Friends,
I will state right away that this post is a little different that I usually post, but I am an animal lover:) That said, If you look at this site and scroll all the way down, there is info. on a missing dog in Texas.

I thought you could join me in prayer for finding him and wisdom for the person who finds him.

I recognize the name of the man who lost him as I'm a big
western fan:)  I feel sorry for both the dog and Mr. Fuller, so any prayers will go along way.

Any way if you could post the news feed on the little guy on your Facebook page, if you have one, that would do a great deal as well.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Devot. Redeeming the Time

Dear Friends,
I pray you had a blessed weekend!
As many people do at the beginning of the year they reflect back on what has happened in their lives the previous year and look ahead to how things can be better.   Some even make New Year's resolutions on how to make things better in their lives or how to be better people. The devot. for today is on that topic, thinking back and looking ahead, but from a more spiritual standpoint.  
So instead of how can I make more money, put away more in the back (even though saving money is a Bible principle), or be a better person the focus on more going to be how can my life make an eternal difference in this world and count for God in 2015. 
 What we do in our spiritual lives has a tremendous effect on what takes places in our physical lives, so don't discount that the two work together.
I remember a pastor from my teen years saying, "You make God's business (i.e leading folks to a personal, saving knowing of Jesus) your business and He will take care of your business (your responsibilities and burdens on this earth)."  My parents and I have found this to be very true in our personal lives through the years.   When we have put God first in our jobs, family, money He has always taken care of and blessed us.   Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
We must remember that once we have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus and have trusted Him as our way to Heaven, the main goal of being on this earth is not be a better you, or stock up earthly treasures (even through it is good to be a good person and invest for the future), the main goal is to be able to take as any souls with us to Heave as we can, tell others about Jesus, do our best to reflect Him (not ourselves) to others, and "grow in the grace, and knowledge of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ."  (2 Peter 3:18)     These are some of 'the main goals' of being down here based on Scripture.    I pray the devot. is good food for thought for the beginning of your New Year.   Lord bless and keep you and yours this week.
 Devot. http://www.icr.org/article/3624  (Used by permission.  Taken from http://www.icr.org/)   
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7QaPS_Gp2U&list=PLsR3Ih2lTeAXs9P0SpZMTHBefXOmCp0Gu  (A song that has become a fav. in recent days.  Artist, pianist, and composer is Jewish Believer Marty Goetz.)