Friday, October 10, 2014

Devot. Blood Moons Interview With Mark Blitz

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a blessed week!
Did you see the blood moon Wed. morning? I got up early to catch a glimpse of it with my mom, and it was worth it!
The devot. for today is a short video clip of a gentleman named Mark Blitz who is studying the blood moons.
I want to specify that while I believe that the blood moons signify that something  significant is going to happen in our world between now and the last blood moon in September 2015, (could be a war in the Middle East or financial problems world wide) I cannot say for sure that it is the end of the world.
Mark 13:32 says, "But of that day and that hour knoweth  no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father."  
Jesus Himself nor the angels know when the Rapture will happen, only God the Father knows and we should not try to set a date.
But just as there are signs that a storm might be heading in a certain direction, there are many tangible signs in our world that things are not getting any better, spiritually or morally.   Rumors of wars, strange diseases, unusual or violent weather changes, persecution of believers is all documented in the Bible as happening right before the end times.  Right before could be 10 years from now for all we know. 
But the two keys to this is: 1. Watch the Middle East, specifically Israel, and what is going on there.  If you have been reading the devots. Israel has always played key in the blood moons.  2. Make sure your family, friends, those who mean something to you, know how to get to Heaven by trusting Jesus as their only way to get There.
Pray the video clip states what I've been trying to share clearly! Have a blessed weekend!  Devot.  (Not sure what 'a spirited debate' station endorses or advocates, but this interview is Mr. Blitz is very 'solid' and he is on the right Biblical track.  Also in regards to his comment that 'we will be around for awhile,' but based on the verse in Mark that I shared above, it's hard to say:)  If you can't watch this at work, fw it to your home computer.

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