Thursday, October 30, 2014

Devot. The Devil and Halloween

Dear Friends,
I pray you have had a good start to your week!
I wanted to write some things that have been a burden on my heart this week.  Please bear with me as I share.
The first is the title of this message.   For many folks Halloween is something fun to dress up for, esp. with the little people in your life. For some of us this event has deeper spiritual ramifications because we have learned what is behind the traditions, what it really means
to those who do not believe that Jesus is God, but that their god is Satan.  He is spoken of in Scripture as being 'the god of this world' that has blinded folks who do not know Jesus to the Truth (2 Cor. 4:4).  
I'm going to give you a little challenge.   Go to and type 'Halloween.'   A cursory read esp. from sections 2.1 to 4, will give the history behind Halloween, certain 'traditions' (pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns).  It is eye opening and I pray you  will take it seriously and see if from a spiritual standpoint.  Ask yourself the question: Am I a spreading spiritual 'light' or darkness by advocating, following these 'traditions.'  What Would Jesus Do?" 
As Christians we are to be 'salt and light' in this world (Matt. 5:13-16).   Just as salt adds flavor to food and light is supposed to bring brightness to darkness, so we are Christians are supposed to add a good 'flavor' to this world and shine for Jesus in our lives, not add to the spiritual darkness.  We are called to be an "example of the believers, conversation (lifestyle)."  1 Tim. 4:12  
I am very grateful that my parents choose to stop celebrating Halloween in our home when I was born.  They had trusted the Lord Jesus to save them shortly before my birth and then when I was little, they found a pamphlet at church that explained the deeper meaning behind this night.  They later read the book "Live Free" by Tom C. McKenney and it opened their spiritual eyes to the deeper meaning behind this scary night.  The Lord used it in a powerful way in our lives and I have felt very compelled to share this spiritual light with you through this devot. 
Secondly, I would love to ask each of you to join with me in praying once a day for our persecuted brothers and sisters in the world.  I was thinking today of the girls who are still being held captive in Nigeria; the ladies/children who have been taken by force by ISIS in Iraq; RUN Ministry (a ministry helping on the ground in Iraq) workers who have been murdered by ISIS and are in desperate need of prayer at this time; the refugees who RUN is been taking in and taking care; a Christian mom, Asia Bibli, in Pakistan who is due to hang for her faith (Her story is along the lines of Miriam).  There is a petition on calling for her release that will only take a minute to sign.  It's on the left side of the screen, scroll down a bit.   Please sign!
Our prayers can change things.  James 5:16 says that 'the effectual ('able to produce a desired effect', fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."   
Pray you have a blessed week and please consider all has been given this week.  The Lord burdened my heart to share, so please take it as a message from Him:)
Scripture Link:  (An invite to walk in spiritual light)


Friday, October 17, 2014

Devot. The Circle of the Earth

Dear Friends,

I pray you had a blessed week! 

I thought this was a neat science based devot.  It is insightful, inspirational and truthful.

Pray you have a blessed and relaxing weekend!

Devot.  (Used by Permission from ICR.

John 9:   (Keep reading those 5 verses a day.  Think about what you have read; what it means in context-What is the chapter and surrounding verses dealing with?- and ask the Lord how it can apply to your everyday life.)

Song that reminds us Who created all! (Another fav.)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Devot. Blood Moons Interview With Mark Blitz

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a blessed week!
Did you see the blood moon Wed. morning? I got up early to catch a glimpse of it with my mom, and it was worth it!
The devot. for today is a short video clip of a gentleman named Mark Blitz who is studying the blood moons.
I want to specify that while I believe that the blood moons signify that something  significant is going to happen in our world between now and the last blood moon in September 2015, (could be a war in the Middle East or financial problems world wide) I cannot say for sure that it is the end of the world.
Mark 13:32 says, "But of that day and that hour knoweth  no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father."  
Jesus Himself nor the angels know when the Rapture will happen, only God the Father knows and we should not try to set a date.
But just as there are signs that a storm might be heading in a certain direction, there are many tangible signs in our world that things are not getting any better, spiritually or morally.   Rumors of wars, strange diseases, unusual or violent weather changes, persecution of believers is all documented in the Bible as happening right before the end times.  Right before could be 10 years from now for all we know. 
But the two keys to this is: 1. Watch the Middle East, specifically Israel, and what is going on there.  If you have been reading the devots. Israel has always played key in the blood moons.  2. Make sure your family, friends, those who mean something to you, know how to get to Heaven by trusting Jesus as their only way to get There.
Pray the video clip states what I've been trying to share clearly! Have a blessed weekend!  Devot.  (Not sure what 'a spirited debate' station endorses or advocates, but this interview is Mr. Blitz is very 'solid' and he is on the right Biblical track.  Also in regards to his comment that 'we will be around for awhile,' but based on the verse in Mark that I shared above, it's hard to say:)  If you can't watch this at work, fw it to your home computer.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Devot. Tomorrow's Blood Moon

Dear Friends,
I pray you had a blessed week!
Well here is another devot. on the upcoming 'Blood Moons.'   I was doing a bit of reading last night on them and said that "this is not just a full lunar eclipse,...but what is...often referred to as the impossible eclipse."
But Jesus said Himself Luke 1:37, "Nothing is impossible with God." Colossians 1:14-17, "In whom (reference is Jesus based on previous verse) we have redemption through his blood,  even the forgiveness of sins:  Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:  For by him were all things created,  that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:  And he is before all things, and by him all things consist (hold together)."
And Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."  The very heavens shout the glory of God and the skies show His workmanship.   Tomorrow morning is an example of that.
According to, tomorrow's blood moon will appear around 6:25 AM, EST and the time to get a glimpse of it will be between 2-9 minutes. 
There are 5 more that will appear next year and then they won't be around again until 2032.   Based on the devot. I'm sending and a short video that summaries a bit of it,  there is a great deal of Bible significance to these Blood Moons and we should take notice of as they effect the Nation of Israel and subsequently us.
If you want to read more about tomorrow's Am sighting, go to and it is under the 'news and politics' tab.
Share this info. with your loved ones and friends.  This is important info. that must be shared in order to see what God is doing right now and what we can expect.
If you are just visiting this blog, I would encourage you to read this post:
It gives a more in depth look at the blood moons and their huge significance for Israel and the the rest of the world (this time of year, time in history, what the Bible has to say about this phenomenon).  
It's perspective is taken from the Old Testament, it's Scriptures, history and is absolutely amazing!
In this link  I give some links and sources (books, a news link) of where you can find answers to what is going on in our world right now.  I would HIGHLY ENCOURAGE YOU to look at this link and it's sources.  If you REALLY WHAT TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN OUR WORLD, the links I provide in the above link will do just that.   If you have any questions, please email the address in the "Contact" tab on the main screen.
Lord bless your week!  (Devot., short video clip below, please read and watch!)