Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Devot. Freedom in Christ

Dear Friends,

I hope you and your families have had a super week thus far!
The devot. for today is the start of our "Freedom" series, devots. that deal with
various aspects of our freedom in Christ, how to live free from anything that would
keep us from living  the "abundant life" (John 10:10) that Jesus wanted those who
followed Him to have.
I am also going to offer a challenge that I will follow as well.  My challenge is to read a few verses of your Bible a day starting this Am with the link I included below.
My pastor recently said that it isn't how much you read that  counts (quantity), but the quality (what you get out of it). He said he will read a few verses in the morning, mull over that passage throughout the day and apply what the Lord has taught him to his day. 
I agreed with him that thinking about the things of the Lord helps to get your day started off right.   There are also Scriptures that talk about making God first in your day.  
So my challenge is to read just a few verses and think about them.   What was meant and how does that apply to my life?
The way to also understand a verse is to read in context-read the verse before, after and take in the whole chapter. 
We will start in John, chapter 1.  I will give a new chapter link as I finish each chapter.  I have also included a commentary- a study guide that is also super helpful.  It can shed light on phases that may baffle you and it will break down specific words.I've given a lot of info. below, but I would encourage you fw this to your PC  to study over the weekend and throughout the next week. But keep reading 5 verses a day! 
 I pray you have a Christ honoring week!  (Links below are used by permission based on each ministry's Copyright and Permissions guidelines on their website.) 
Stand With God's People Petition: http://aclj.org/  (Petition on right side of link's screen screen)
Commentaries Below:

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