Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Devot. Freedom in Christ

Dear Friends,

I hope you and your families have had a super week thus far!
The devot. for today is the start of our "Freedom" series, devots. that deal with
various aspects of our freedom in Christ, how to live free from anything that would
keep us from living  the "abundant life" (John 10:10) that Jesus wanted those who
followed Him to have.
I am also going to offer a challenge that I will follow as well.  My challenge is to read a few verses of your Bible a day starting this Am with the link I included below.
My pastor recently said that it isn't how much you read that  counts (quantity), but the quality (what you get out of it). He said he will read a few verses in the morning, mull over that passage throughout the day and apply what the Lord has taught him to his day. 
I agreed with him that thinking about the things of the Lord helps to get your day started off right.   There are also Scriptures that talk about making God first in your day.  
So my challenge is to read just a few verses and think about them.   What was meant and how does that apply to my life?
The way to also understand a verse is to read in context-read the verse before, after and take in the whole chapter. 
We will start in John, chapter 1.  I will give a new chapter link as I finish each chapter.  I have also included a commentary- a study guide that is also super helpful.  It can shed light on phases that may baffle you and it will break down specific words.I've given a lot of info. below, but I would encourage you fw this to your PC  to study over the weekend and throughout the next week. But keep reading 5 verses a day! 
 I pray you have a Christ honoring week!  (Links below are used by permission based on each ministry's Copyright and Permissions guidelines on their website.) 
Stand With God's People Petition: http://aclj.org/  (Petition on right side of link's screen screen)
Commentaries Below:

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Devot. Is It Too Late for America?

Dear Friends,
I hope you and your families had a relaxing 4th of July!  Thank God for the liberty we have in Christ (freedom to worship, freedom from hell and the strength God has promised to give us to live free from the bondage of sin over our lives).  I'm also so thankful for those who are defending  and protecting our freedom today.  What did we ever do to deserve all that?  Nothing, but thank God for His grace (withholding from us sinners what we truly deserve).
The devot. for today is hard hitting, but truthful and based completely on God's Word.  It shows what our country has become, morally and spiritually; what is acceptable now and never would have been in our grandparents generation; what we were then and what we are now.  I know that a lot of things in our world have changed for the better- technology, health advances, education- but what about morals and the Bible?  I've heard folks say that the Bible should fit culture, but according to God's Word, it should be the other way around-the culture should come back to the principles and morals of the Bible.   Our world is so mixed up-what was wrong is now right and visa versa. 
If you look at the news, the confusion and violence we see in our country, decide for yourself are we really better off turning away from God and the morals/principles in the Bible or was our country better off when "In God We trust" was a part of the culture, our elected officials prayed before meetings, our presidents were giving address based on Scripture and asking the country to pray for our country and those fighting for us?  You will see these elements in speeches and history in WW 1 and WW 2.
Our pastor said Sunday night that the church has let God and our country down.  What he meant was that if there is any hope of our country turning back to God, it begins in the church house. Not speaking of a denomination, but change begins with those who have trusted Christ, not politicians and non-Christians, and it takes us Believers and it only one person at a time.  1 Peter 4:17 states, "For the time is come that judgment (change, evaluation of our lives)  must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" 
What I have written is a huge burden on my heart and the message of the devot. below is as well.  I felt that God specifically wanted to me to send this one out, so please take it as a message directly from Him and I pray that the Lord uses it to speak to each of our hearts.   If our country is to change, I pray the Lord would speak to our hearts in whatever way He thinks is needed so that change can begin with me and you.  The Bible is our spiritual and moral Guidebook and Answer key for life.  If God impresses on your heart changes, look in His Word, start reading the NT esp. and you will find how to live and how to make those change-with HIS help! 
"I can do all things though Christ which strength me."  (Phil. 4:13)    May we all walk with the Lord in our daily lives this weekend!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Devot. Genuine Liberty

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a super week!  The devot. for today is a powerful and thorough one Genuine Liberty-what did it mean to our forefathers, how is it defined in our country today, and what does it mean to us as Christians?
I have also added a video link to a song entitled "I Pledge My Allegiance."  It was made in honor of the victims of 911 and in remembrance of that day.  Have a tissue handy....the words are powerful and the pictures along with it make it super powerful.
This song always chokes me up and makes me proud to be an American and proud of what our flag represents.
I have also included another link that gives some facts about July 4th.   It was interesting to me as some of the facts I didn't already know.  Maybe you could educate the young people in your life based on the facts that you acquire.  Many youth are not as fully aware about the history of the 4th (I already found that out today w/ some of the children in my life) and I thinks it's important to pass on the historical significance of the day.
Anyway, hope all of it this useful!  You and your families have a blessed 4th!  God Bless America!  "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."  Romans 8:2  (Devot., song, history link below)