Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Photo Session with a Cause!

 Hi Folks,

I ran into a really neat post on my Instagram.  I follow a ministry called Refuge 91 Inc that works with and helps trafficked women and children in Baltimore.   

One of the founders, Judy, is a photographer and will be setting up photo sessions (for families, couples, individuals, pet sessions or special events) as a means to raise money for Refuge 91 Inc.   

They are really doing incredible work at helping these vulnerable souls, 
so please consider checking out the below, Facebook the link to get the word out, pass along via Instagram, or pass on in some way. 

Blessings! Grace

Can find also on Instagram- @refuge91inc

📸 A N N O U N C E M E N T —> "Our cofounder, Judy, is available for photo shoots as an ongoing means for raising funds for R91 (in Maryland). Judy’s photography website is above in the LinkTree! It’s there where you will find her portfolio, booking software, and modest, tax-deductible rates. Every dollar earned goes directly into R91’s bank account (via the website booking software)." 

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