Thursday, June 23, 2022

Devot. Father's Day

 Hi Folks,

I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend celebrating Father's Day.   
In a world that 'dumbs down' the role of a father, the vital role a godly man (of any age) can play in the life of his or any child, God still thinks fatherhood is something to be honored, respected, held in high esteem, embraced as the first devot. shares.   

Now, as I've said many times through the years, I understand and am sympathetic to those who may not have had a father, or a godly father in their lives growing up.   I have friends who did not have the role of a stable, godly dad in their lives.  And yet, they have said to me  that when they came to faith in Christ, they came to realize that God became their Heavenly Father when they put their faith and trust in Him-and that made a life changing, permanent difference in their life, thinking and in moving forward through adulthood. 

Galatians 3:26 states, "For we are the children of God (and then here is the stipulation) through faith in Jesus Christ."  This is the picture of spiritual adoption which mirror physical adoption:  The common misconception is that everyone is automatically God's kids.  We are all His creations, He made every human life-born or unborn (as Psalm 139 shares), but specifically those who have trusted Jesus as their Savior can claim the title of God's child "through faith in Jesus Christ."

I pray that the devots. below are a refreshing comfort to your heart this week!  
Below the last devot. from ICR is the release of a new children's book on fathers. A friend passed on the details to me.  It gives the Biblical insight into who a godly dad should be, but also ties in some history and has the kids go back in time to WW2 and also meet Abraham Lincoln.  The book is new and the series itself interesting and it's new.  So for those of you with young kids and grandkids, please check out the details below the last devot.  

Have a blessed weekend!

What the Father Says About Fathers:
(Used by permission.  Taken from

Devot Used by permission.  Taken from

 June 19, 2022
The Prodigal Father
“But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry.” (Luke 15:22-23)

As a number of commentators have noted, the familiar parable of the “prodigal son” is really about the “prodigal father,” for the word “prodigal” does not mean wayward or rebellious, as many think, but rather lavishly generous. The central theme of the story is not that of the return of a lost son but rather the undying love of a forgiving father.

The human father was intended by the Lord Jesus to be a picture of our heavenly Father, whose righteousness requires judgment on sin but who is always ready to forgive and receive back into joyous fellowship any who return to Him in repentant faith. Even to rebellious Israel He could say, “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee” (Jeremiah 31:3). It was the memory of his father’s lovingkindness as much as anything else that finally gave the lost son courage to return home in repentance.

And when he returned, there were no recriminations from his father but only love and then a prodigal outpouring of blessing, with the robe and ring and shoes all symbolizing his full restoration as the son of his father.

So it is with us. Though utterly undeserving of such honor, we are made “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17). “He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities....Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him” (Psalm 103:10,13). “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate,...And [I] will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:17-18). HMM
Listen to todays devotional on the Days of Praise Podcast
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Otto's Tales: Today is Father's Day
Dear PragerU Supporter,

American society continues to cheat children by downplaying the unique importance of fathers in our children’s lives – by way of teen-targeted ‘toxic masculinity’ campaigns and ongoing event cancellations of once-innocent traditions like “Donuts with Dad” at schools. Instead of celebrating men, woke culture seeks to erase the irreplaceable gift of a father’s guidance for his children. 

At PragerU Kids, we are committed to honoring our traditional American Judeo-Christian values, as they enrich our parenting experience and children’s precious upbringing. 

The next edition in our #1 Amazon best-selling Otto’s Tales book series is now here… just in time to reject the left’s attack on fatherhood. 
Otto’s Tales: Today is Father’s Day teaches our children the distinct gift of what fatherhood entails – from living a life that follows God, to sacrificing for the greater good, to providing for family. Young readers will time-travel with Otto the bulldog and his best friend, young Dennis Prager, to meet Abraham from the Bible as well as Dennis’s own father while he served in World War II!

We are depending on your help to pass on our inherent American values to as many children as possible. In addition to ordering your own book, please share the Otto’s Tales series with your family, friends, and local schools and libraries!
Keep an eye out for new Otto’s Tales books and companion storytime shows every month – this special Father’s Day episode is narrated by PragerU’s very own Chief Marketing Officer and dad-of-three, Craig Strazzeri! And, be sure to go to to check out all of our original, free PragerU Kids content – educational magazines, animated videos, a new wild and fun game show, and more!
Otto's Tales: Today is Father's Day

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Photo Session with a Cause!

 Hi Folks,

I ran into a really neat post on my Instagram.  I follow a ministry called Refuge 91 Inc that works with and helps trafficked women and children in Baltimore.   

One of the founders, Judy, is a photographer and will be setting up photo sessions (for families, couples, individuals, pet sessions or special events) as a means to raise money for Refuge 91 Inc.   

They are really doing incredible work at helping these vulnerable souls, 
so please consider checking out the below, Facebook the link to get the word out, pass along via Instagram, or pass on in some way. 

Blessings! Grace

Can find also on Instagram- @refuge91inc

📸 A N N O U N C E M E N T —> "Our cofounder, Judy, is available for photo shoots as an ongoing means for raising funds for R91 (in Maryland). Judy’s photography website is above in the LinkTree! It’s there where you will find her portfolio, booking software, and modest, tax-deductible rates. Every dollar earned goes directly into R91’s bank account (via the website booking software)." 

Devot. D Day, Flag Day

 Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a good start to your week!

Last week was D Day, a day that I do not think is mentioned much in society, schools/colleges as a whole and yet it was such an important day in our nation's history!

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said of this day in a prayer via broadcast,    I ask that our people devote themselves into a continuance of prayer.  And, O Lord, give us faith. Give us faith in Thee; faith in our sons; faith in each other; faith in our united crusade.” He also said, ""Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity," 

Where did we lose all  that? Faith in God, confidence and respect in our armed forces, a united country, pressing forward in fighting against evil that is coming against our country, even the fighting against the forces that would annihilate "our republic, religion and our civilization." It seems that we have thrown all of that out the window in recent years and the news we see confirms that.

I pray the news article below would give you a stirring perspective on D Day, the power of prayer, the faith of a President in God, what our world looked like back then. I know of many who are praying that our country would regain that perspective...
May God hear that prayer.

Today is also Flag Day and I have a devot. on our flag as well.

Have a blessed week!

D Day-78 Years Later:

(Devots. used by permission. Taken from

An Army with Banners:

Our Banner:

Friday, June 3, 2022

Devot. Call to Remembrance

 Hi Folks,

I hope you had a blessed Memorial Day weekend!!!   

I feel that the below quote and the devot. are unfortunately true to today-I personally feel that we are losing (or have been losing over a period of years) the remembrance, nostalgia, and seriousness of Memorial Day and the cost behind the day.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them.”

I remember reading a news article a few years back by a military mom saying that while most families use this holiday as a long weekend, to have picnics and go to the beach, military families mourn and remember those lost. 

With this in mind, I found a very pointant tribute this past weekend.  I was watching a live church service and one of the pastors gave a thought provoking tribute-thought he hit the nail on the head and it was a blessing to my heart.  Below are the details.

I also received an email from a ministry I have emailed to you previously, during the early days of the Ukraine conflict.   They are a Christian ministry based out of the US and they funnel support to Ukraine churches.   They are trying to receive help to ship food over to Ukraine due to a severe shortage. If you feel led, please look at and pass the details along.

Pray you have a blessed weekend! 

A Tribute to Memorial Day: (Starts 13:43, goes to 20:56)
Devot. Call to Remembrance: 
(Used by permission.  Taken from

Sharing the Gospel • Equipping the Church • Helping the Forgotten
Every $125 provides 1 month of supplemental food for 2 families!
Help Suffering Ukrainians Receive Emergency Food and Supplies
Equip SGA-supported churches who are ready to share the Gospel and help people in need!
Give Now

We are blessed to live in a place of abundance. For many of us, we don’t have to worry about our next meal.
But for too many Ukrainians impacted by the war, there simply isn’t enough food or even any food at all. They desperately need our help, and I am hopeful you will join with us to help when you share your generous gift.
You can help rush supplemental food and hygiene supplies to people unable to leave Ukraine.
SGA-supported churches in Ukraine and their congregations are ready to distribute pallets of cooking oil, canned goods, beans, rice, and other non-perishable pantry staples . . . as well as basic hygiene supplies like soap, toothpaste, and shampoo.
You can help rush supplemental food and hygiene supplies to people unable to leave Ukraine
Many pastors have already shared with us how meeting urgent physical needs during the Ukraine war has greatly opened extraordinary opportunities to share the Gospel and the love of Christ with many whose lives have been shattered. People who would never before come to worship services are now attending . . . and those searching for sustenance for their bodies are finding hope in God’s love.
Please prayerfully consider what you can give now to share with those in urgent need — “to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share . . .” (1 Timothy 6:18b).
Your gift will help believers at SGA-supported churches in Ukraine deliver emergency aid in Jesus’ name as quickly as possible:
$125 provides 1 month of supplemental food for 2 families$250 provides 1 month of supplemental food for 4 families$1000 provides 1 month of supplemental food for 16 families
Help Suffering Ukrainians
Each family who is helped will hear a clear presentation of the Gospel in addition to receiving meals. You will be helping to bless hurting families, children, and the elderly who need urgent assistance in the here and now . . . and you will help change lives as you invest what God has given you for eternity.
What an opportunity we have to reflect God and His generosity! Thank you for your continuing prayers and your gift now to help.
In His love and service,
Michael Johnson, President
Slavic Gospel Association