Hi Folks,
I hope you are having a good week!
This past Sunday and Monday (1/19 and 1/20) were two important days in America: Sanctity of Life Sunday and Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. Both are vitality important to acknowledge!
Scripture commands us to honor and protect all life, born and unborn, old and young.
Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy as a pastor and civil rights activist left a powerful impact on America's history.
I have a few links below in both regards: Two powerful "Sanctity of Life" videos to remind us of the value of an unborn baby's life in the sight of God. Both were my 'favorites', very thought provoking to watch. I would really encourage you to watch both. I also have 2 devotionals on MLK Jr..
Pray you have a very blessed week!
Sanctity of Life:
(Devots. used by permission. Taken from https://www.dayspring.com/articles)
How a Pastor Led the Civil Rights Movement:
A Prayer for Unity (starting in our homes):