Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Devot. The Value of Unborn Life: Abortion Survivors

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good start to your week! 
I am starting to wrap up our series on the value of Unborn Life.
I hope that you have had time to ponder, think of where you stand on this issue. 
I hope you have asked yourself, "Do I value life as God and His Word does, and if not, what must I do to transform my mindset to think as God thinks?"

As I said last week, Philippians 2:5 and 1 Corinthians 2:16 says that Believers in Jesus are to have the "mind of Christ."
We are to have a spiritual, Biblical outlook on all areas of life as we follow Jesus. 
How do we do that?? By reading the Bible, God's love letter to those who have personally trusted Jesus for salvation.
You will find as you read His Word, the Lord will start to readjust your heart and mind, in a good way, to have how He thinks.

I have a couple things for you today.  First of all, today's devot. is on "abortion survivors."  In the youtube videos I have watched, many folks have said that this term is commonly associated with those who have had an abortion. Not so. The term is actually a reference to a person who was intended to be aborted, the abortion failed and they lived. 

According to one youtube video I watched (which I will cite below), "based on failed abortion rates through the CDC, it's estimated that minimally there could be 44,000 late term abortion survivors in the US alone."   (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eASVT4iB56M and https://theabortionsurvivors.com/get-informed/)
The lady who gave this quote is Melissa Oden, a abortion survivor who founded https://theabortionsurvivors.com/ to reach out to others whose lives were meant to be terminated to help them heal and have hope and to educate folks on this growing community of survivors and abortion in general.

Imagine: God intended this little person to live, He had a good plan and purpose all along for them (Jeremiah 29:13)and has given then a platform to speak on the behalf of unborn babies from "one who knows."

I have included a clip at the bottom of a lovely, vibrant young lady named, Gianna Jessen, who is an "Abortion Survivor" and a Christian.
She tells her miraculous story with a cheerful and update attitude.  She is an amazing, beautiful person who speaks powerfully from her heart in a way that will bring tears to your eyes or give your own heart courage to stand for life.
I especially love the last statement she makes right before the clip ends.
Please watch it.  Oh the plans God had already made for this young lady when the abortion did not succeed, praise God for it! 
Lastly, in light of this topic, I'm sure we have all heard of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivor bill that was rejected by the US Senate a few weeks ago. I'm sure most of us probably haven't take the time to dive in to see what such a crucial bill is about.  
I found a link to the bill and looked though it (included below).  Basically the bill states that if a baby was born alive after an abortion or attempted abortion, that little one is to be considered a legal person under the law and entitled to the same rights/medical care as any child that was born.  Penalties would dealt out if any doctor would kill the child after it was born or deny that baby medical care and instead willfully let it die.   https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/130/text

You know, in all of the "abortion survivor" stories I have recently listened to, I have heard each person say that they are glad that they survived.  They are happy to be alive and that someone, like a nurse, intervened and gave them the medical care that they needed so that they could be alive today.   Wouldn't each of us be glad to be alive as well if our circumstances had been the same?

You know, this reminds me of a Bible study in the first chapter of Exodus.  I won't get into right now, but will save the story for next week, which will tie into our last "The Value of Unborn Life" devot.

Pray you would have a blessed week and explore the links I have included below as your convenience.  I think you will find the links on abortion survivors very educational, informative considering the times we are living in. It's a good time to educate ourselves on what is really going on...  Blessings!  

Devot. https://www.icr.org/article/working-no-ill-preborn  (Used by permission.  Taken from https://www.icr.org)
Gianna Jessen Survivor Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0Wwgh7kdKM
Survivor Stories (scroll all the way to the bottom of this page to read some miraculous stories): https://theabortionsurvivors.com/

Devot. The Value of Unborn Life: Conception Under Difficult Circumstances

Hi Folks,
I hope you have a very restful weekend!
We are continuing with our topic of the Value of Unborn Human Life.

I am going to tackle one of the harder questions that I broached a few weeks ago.  
What if a baby was conceived under a very difficult, painful circumstance?
Would it be better for mom and baby if the baby was aborted?

I bumped into a video on youtube last Wednesday, I wasn't looking for it, but it that handles this question in an incredibly, powerful way.
This is the powerful story of a Christian lady who became pregnant under very difficult circumstances and how she handled her pregnancy.   
PLEASE watch it all the way through:
1. As her story is remarkably powerful 
2. You will be impacted by it and 
3. It covers how the value of a baby's life should be viewed, even under very tough circumstances, 4.  You won't get the full impact of the last 6 minutes of the clip, the climax, unless you hear her whole story.  

This gal is a strong women, but you will notice that she credits all her strength to God, she never blames Him (as it's so easy to do), but instead relies on the strength He pours into her life and into the life of her family.   Her husband is an amazingly, godly guy who looks at the beauty in spite of the ashes.

I wish you to particular attention to what this lady says at the 19-20 minute point.  If you remember anything she says, remember what she says at this point. She then goes from the 21 minute mark until the end onto to share the question, "Abortion is ok in cases such as this" and explains what it truly means to be pro-life (powerful words!)and answers this question based on her own experience.  The ending is a POWERFUL must listen to in light of the pro-life/pro-choice war our country is in right now!   PLEASE WATCH IT!
After you watch this, even in clips over the next week or two, again, ask yourself the questions:  "Do I value all human life the way God does? And if not, what do I need to do to transform my mindset and think as God thinks?"

In closing, I have included a devot. on God's peace that will be an added blessing to your week.
Pray the Lord uses the video and the devot. as blessing to your week and that the Lord uses both of these vehicles to teach you something valuable. 

Devot. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Part 2/Pro-Life Move in Theaters!

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a super weekend!
We continue our series today on how God views human life.
This devot. is taken from Ps. 139:14, "I will praise You, for [a]I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well."

Now the context of the devot. is focusing on adults, as a reminder of how wonderfully unique, and special we were made by God's own hand.  BUT, I wish for you to read this and think of it in the context of an unborn little life, a human being yet to know that they were made by God's own hand and who had no say in whether or not they were conceived or (in light of abortion)whether or not they would be born.  

I have also included a neat movie link soon to be released in theaters across the US (end of March).  It is called "Unplanned" and it is based on the true story of a young woman, Abby Johnson who was working her way up the corporate ladder of Planned Parenthood.  She firmly believed in her heart that she was doing the right thing and making a positive difference in the lives of women.   Then, she had a life changing experience that forever changed her heart, mind and perspective.    The film is advertised and as must watch for anyone-whether they are pro-life or pro-choice and it is not produced with a judgmental attitude, rather to inform, tell the truth and to show God's grace and forgiveness.

I have also included an interview link by the lead actress in this film.  She shares her "abortion survivor story"- it is powerful and touching. In light of the "Born Alive Abortion Survivors" bill that was recently blocked by the Senate, the testimony of the lady is very powerful.

Pray you will check the movie trailer and interview out with open eyes, and consider even going to the movie, even out of curiosity.  
Lord bless you and yours this week!