Hi Folks,
I hope you had a super week!
I have a several things on my heart today that I wish to share with you and
I pray the practical suggestions I mention are useful as well.
Today starts off our Christmas devots! This one focuses on Advent. Even though we are on the Eve of Christmas, these useful ideas can still apply for the rest of the week:)
The word "Advent" means "Coming" in Latin and represents the coming of Jesus to earth as a helpless baby.
It covers the weeks leading up to Christmas, sometimes starting December 1st and going to Christmas Day. (https://www.whychristmas.com/customs/advent.shtml)
You know, Advent has a wonderful concept that we would all benefit from. It's a time to contemplate, prepare our hearts, lives and homes for celebrating God's birthday! It's not every day that we get to celebrate the birthday of the King of all Kings, our Saviour's birthday! This is a day unlike any day of the year or in history: God coming in human form to be the Savior all of all mankind. It never occurred before and it has not been done since. That is HUGE!
I'm afraid that we do not give the attention to this awesome event the way we should. It is commercialized beyond recognition, made politically correct and yet the simple, plain and awesome fact is that CHRISTmas, is about the Lord Jesus CHRIST. It's His birthday and yet we do not invite Him in to celebrate His own day. (Imagine how you would feel if it was your b'day, a celebration was given, but and you were not
acknowledged at all. I know I would be hurt.)
The very hinge point of the holy day has our Saviour's name in it and yet the world tries to erase it by X-mas, Santa Claus, elves, penguins and polar bears and making it solely about getting or giving things, rather than first remembering the Greatest Gift that was given to mankind-a Savior arriving out of love for mankind, to rescue them from their sins so that they didn't have to spend an eternity in hell away from Him and making a way for them to get to Heaven, which should bring joy to our hearts.
I am going to offer a Christmas challenge to all of us and practical ways to accomplish it.
In the days until Christmas, in the midst of the hussle and bustle, remind yourself every day that Jesus in indeed the Reason, the One behind the season.
~Set up and manger scene inside and outside of your home as a reminder to yourself, your family and all who view your place of the true Heart of Christmas. (There are ones for children that they can actually play with. Still have my first one from childhood that I set up every year:).
~Set up a REAL advent calendar in the home for the children/grandkids to count down the days until Christmas.
(Not a lego or Hello Kitty but a REAL one that has the REAL people from the Christmas story hidden in a pocket or such for them to find and set up. Still have my very first one from childhood that I also set up every year:)
~Say Merry Christmas-I promise, it won't kill you to say it:) Many times I will say this in response to someone's "Happy Holidays" and then they in turn will usually say, "To you as well!"
~Write it on the front of your Christmas cards.
~Send Christian Christmas card in the mail or via email. The link for CBD below has a good price on cards right now. My mom found some really nice ones.)
~Play Christmas carols on the radio around the house and in the car. I found this link online that is starting to play Christmas music mixed in with everyday worship music: http://www.951shinefm.com/on-air/
~Read the Christmas story the night before or day of to yourself, the family before opening gifts (Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2 contain the whole story).
~Go to a Christmas Eve service (Christmas would never be complete for me without going to one. Gives me the right perspective and prepares my heart to joyfully welcome Jesus into our home for Christmas!)
~Give Christ centered Christmas gifts. These are some great links for purchasing wonderful gifts for all ages at reasonable prices (especially cbd.com).
Below is our devot for the week. I hope it starts off your week on a good, spiritual footing and that the suggestions above give you ideas to use as a springboard as you search for ways to put (or keep)Christ in Christmas.
Lord bless you and yours!
Devot. https://www.dayspring.com/articles/discovering-the-advent-season?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NEBNANN20181202DiscoveringTheAdventSeasonArticles&utm_term=DaySpring%20Newsletter%20%2B%20Daily%20Devotion%20List (Read and Share. Taken from https://www.dayspring.com/articles/)
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