Monday, December 24, 2018

Devot. What We Celebrate at Christmas

HI Folks,
Merry Christmas!  
I hope you and your family will be heading off to a Christmas Eve service tonight, reading the Christmas story from Luke 1-2 and looking forward to celebrating and emphasizing Jesus' birthday tomorrow.   It's not every day that we get to celebrate GOD'S BIRTHDAY!   How huge is that:) 
I have several things for your below. 
Our devot. is from Days of Praise and focuses  a bit on the time of year that Jesus was born.
I have also included a short, but  very practical sermon from Dr. Charles Stanley that I REALLY encourage you to watch (I watched it yesterday). 
In his own words regarding the sermon  Dr. Stanley said, "It's simple," but the sermon focuses on "How do we explain to others, esp. non Christians, the Meaning of Christmas in simple, easy, terms that they will understand."   It was a practical, simple sermon but oh so useful to all of us.
I have also included Friday's devot. ahead of time for those of you who already get a devot. for the weekend. 
The middle of the week is way too nutty for me and I wanted to send this while I had time.    It focuses on the awesomeness of Christ's birth, the circumstances, the people involved, and the place He was born.  Pray is blesses your heart. 
Lastly, I have include a link for some sermons by another powerful preacher, Dr. David Jeremiah, who did some amazing sermons on the people of the Christmas story-Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, Angels, Wise Men and The Music of Christmas.   I LOVED the ones about Joseph and the Shepherds- they spoke to my heart the most.    I heard things in these sermons I had never noticed before in the Christmas story, and again, it gave me some "WOW" moments.     Pray you would find time in the next week to listen to them while you are out and about.
Lord bless each of you and your families this Christmas and Merry Christmas from me and my family!
(Devot. at the bottom of the links)
Why Joseph from 11/28/18 and Why the Shepherds from 12/7/18 and 12/10/18 were my favs.

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Click here to seethe web version of this Days of Praise
 December 25, 2013
What We Celebrate at Christmas
“And [Joseph] knew her [Mary] not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” (Matthew 1:25)
The actual birthday of Jesus was sometime in the fall (September or October) rather than in December. The date is of lesser consequence, however, than the reason for the celebration (Isaiah 1:18). Heaven itself celebrated the birth (Luke 2:8-14). And after the shepherds got over their fear, they couldn’t stop telling the news.
Then there were the wise men from the east who came to worship the one “born king of the Jews” (Matthew 2:1-2). They got there well after the birth, having put their lives on hold, and willingly gave of their time and treasures to honor this great King while they rejoiced with “exceeding great joy” (Matthew 2:10). Surely all Christians should worship and rejoice as well as open our treasuries when we celebrate Christ’s birth.
But if we just focus on the birth, we may miss the greatest reason for the commemoration. After all, there was nothing uncommon about the physical process. But the conception, now that was miraculous (Luke 1:35)! The eternal “Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). The great Creator and Son of God, “foreordained before the foundation of the world” (1 Peter 1:20), submitted to the will of the Father and “made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men” (Philippians 2:7). That was why heaven celebrated.
Counting back nine months from around September puts us pretty close to the end of the previous December. Perhaps our sovereign God has orchestrated events so that we would celebrate the real miracle of the conception: “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). HMM III
Institute forCreation Research - 1806 Royal Lane, Dallas TX 75229
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Devot. Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus?

Hi Folks!
I hope you had a super day!  Welcome to the last few hours before Jesus' Birthday!
Have you ever wondering if there was a difference between the names Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus?
Does the order matter?  I've heard folks close prayers both ways, so do it matter?
This devot. is a throwback to Tuesday's devot. on the names of Jesus and it explains, yes there is a
bit of difference and what that difference is.
Pray you learn something new and useful this week!
Lord bless you and yours!
 Devot.  (Used by permission.  Taken from

Devot. The Name of the Lord Jesus

Hi Folks,
I hope you had  super week!  Today is the Eve of Christmas and Jesus' birthday!
The devot. for today is on the important significance and meaning behind Jesus' name.
I have also included a sort sermon link that clearly, simply, yet powerfully explains the significance of ALL of Jesus' names, (in the Old Testament He has more than one that give credence to His character), and explains how Jesus could be God and Man, and ties in verses from the Old to New Testament on how this was even possible.
If you have ever wondered or thought, "I know the Bible says He was God, yet man, but how on the earth is that even possible?!  I don't know about that..." the sermon below explains so simply (yet powerfully) how this could happen.   I had many WOW moments as I watched this 20 minute sermon and thought of you all as I listened.   PLEASE listen to this sermon through your week, make it a top priority-listen to it on the way to work on your phone, download to your computer and listen to it as you catch up on emails etc.. and I pray you are very blessed as I was.
I have also included with this email links of ministries that "Give Back" and help persecuted Christians, orphans and the needy overseas.  Christmas for me would not be as meaningful if I wasn't helping someone in need.   I have so much and this season is a chance for me to find ways to give back:)
I pray you have a blessed week and feel the Lord's peace and presence throughout each day! 
 Lord bless you and yours.
(Devot. is below all the links)
Sermon-On a First Name Basis:
Gifts that Give Back: (I  have given to this ministry before and really trust it) (I have given to this ministry as well and trust them.  Scroll down towards the bottom of this page for the links to the details I have provided below.)
~Christmas Care packs for persecuted children overseas
~"Action Packs" of clothing or "Family Medic Packs" supplies that are sent overseas to Believers  in Pakistan, Lebanon, Sudan (I've done this for about 3-4 years,
and assembled  teens I know  to do this as a team.   We have had so much fun!)
~Bibles for children of persecuted families, they have a covert operation that sends Bibles in N. Korea, and also a way to send a Bible to  Believer overseas
and then you receive the name of the person who it was sent to!
~They have a fund that helps families that have had a family member martyred for their faith, and fund to help "front line workers" who are serving the Lord in  dangerous places (Under  "Adopt a Front Line").
HELPING ORPHANS OVERSEAS:  (God has  heart for the orphan and He calls each person to help in some way-James 1:27) (Look under Our Part for Care Centers as one way to help.  This ministry is founded by Stephen Curtis Chapman -a well known Christian music artist who is serving the Lord by helping orphans.)  (An agency I am well aware of  and trust that is helping, not only families adopt children, but help orphans overseas as they wait for homes or can no longer be helped, like in Ethiopia where they have closed the doors to adoption for now. Scroll down to the bottom of the link for how you can
help through Amazon purchases.)

Click here to seethe web version of this Days of Praise
 December 28, 2012
The Name of the Lord Jesus
"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21)
This is the first of 144 references to the name of Christ in the New Testament. The word "name" (Greek noma) occurs only about 95 times when referring to any or all other names. This fact is itself a sort of commentary on Philippians 2:9: "God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name."
In biblical times, a person's name expressed the character or attributes desired for a child by his or her parents. The reason for the name "JESUS," which means "Jehovah saves" or simply "salvation," was given by the angel: "He shall save his people from their sins."
There is only one Savior, "for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12); but His name does save! "As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" (John 1:12).
Those who do receive Christ are thenceforth associated with His name--and therefore with His person and work. First they are to be baptized "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (Matthew 28:19). They are then to order their lives in a way that honors His name. "Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity" (2 Timothy 2:19).
He has given many gracious promises of answered prayer if we pray in His name, "that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you" (John 15:16). The final use of "name" in the Bible stresses our eternal identification with His name, for "his name shall be in their foreheads" (Revelation 22:4) as we are united with Him in the age to come. HMM
Institute forCreation Research - 1806 Royal Lane, Dallas TX 75229
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Devot. The Gift of God's Presence

Hi Folks,
I pray you have a blessed rest of your day and that this devot. is a comforting, but true, reminder for you this week. Lord bless you and yours.

Devot. Discovering the Advent Season

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a super week!
I have a several things on my heart today that I wish to share with you and
I pray the practical suggestions I mention are useful as well.

Today starts off our Christmas devots!  This one focuses on Advent.  Even though we are on the Eve of Christmas, these useful ideas can still apply for the rest of the week:)

The word "Advent" means "Coming" in Latin and represents the coming of Jesus to earth as a helpless baby. 
It covers the weeks leading up to Christmas, sometimes starting December 1st and going to Christmas Day.  (

You know, Advent has a wonderful concept that we would all benefit from.  It's a time to contemplate, prepare our hearts, lives and homes for celebrating God's birthday! It's not every day that we get to celebrate the birthday of the King of all Kings, our Saviour's birthday!  This is a day unlike any day of the year or in history: God coming in human form to be the Savior all of all mankind. It never occurred before and it has not been done since. That is HUGE!

I'm afraid that we do not give the attention to this awesome event the way we should.  It is commercialized beyond recognition, made politically correct and yet the simple, plain and awesome fact is that CHRISTmas, is about the Lord Jesus CHRIST.  It's His birthday and yet we do not invite Him in to celebrate His own day.  (Imagine how you would feel if it was your b'day, a celebration was given, but and you were not
acknowledged at all.  I know I would be hurt.)  

The very hinge point of the holy day has our Saviour's name in it and yet the world tries to erase it by X-mas, Santa Claus, elves, penguins and polar bears and making it solely about getting or giving things, rather than first remembering the Greatest Gift that was given to mankind-a Savior arriving out of love for mankind, to rescue them from their sins so that they didn't have to spend an eternity in hell away from Him and making a way for them to get to Heaven, which should bring joy to our hearts.

I am going to offer a Christmas challenge to all of us and practical ways to accomplish it.
In the days until Christmas, in the midst of the hussle and bustle, remind yourself every day that Jesus in indeed the Reason, the One behind the season.

~Set up and manger scene inside and outside of your home as a reminder to yourself, your family and all who view your place of the true Heart of Christmas.  (There are ones for children that they can actually play with.  Still have my first one from childhood that I set up every year:).

~Set up a REAL advent calendar in the home for the children/grandkids to count down the days until Christmas.
(Not a lego or Hello Kitty but a REAL one that has the REAL people from the Christmas story hidden in a pocket or such for them to find and set up.  Still have my very first one from childhood that I also set up every year:)

~Say Merry Christmas-I promise, it won't kill you to say it:)  Many times I will say this in response to someone's "Happy Holidays" and then they in turn will usually say, "To you as well!"

~Write it on the front of your Christmas cards.
~Send Christian Christmas card in the mail or via email.  The link for CBD below has a good price on cards right now.  My mom found some really nice ones.)

~Play Christmas carols on the radio around the house and in the car.  I found this link online that is starting to play Christmas music mixed in with everyday worship music:

~Read the Christmas story the night before or day of to yourself, the family before opening gifts (Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2 contain the whole story).

~Go to a Christmas Eve service (Christmas would never be complete for me without going to one.  Gives me the right perspective and prepares my heart to joyfully welcome Jesus into our home for Christmas!)

~Give Christ centered Christmas gifts.  These are some great links for purchasing wonderful gifts for all ages at reasonable prices (especially

Below is our devot for the week.   I hope it starts off your week on a good, spiritual footing and that the suggestions above give you ideas to use as a springboard as you search for ways to put (or keep)Christ in Christmas. 
Lord bless you and yours!

Devot. Prayers of Gratitude

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a super weekend! 
 Below is a devot. on expressing gratitude in our prayers. Psalm 107 says several times in this chapter, "Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" (verse 8)  I think I gave this verse around Thanksgiving.   Oh that we would give the Lord more thanks in our prayers and lives.
Pray the devot. teaches you something valuable/useful this week!
Lord bless you and yours.
(Used by permission.   Taken from

Sunday, December 2, 2018


HI Folks,
I hope you had a super weekend.   Welcome to the first week of December!
I'm going to wrap up our Thanksgiving/gratefulness series this week.
My mom and I were watched  a sermon last Sunday (which I have included with this email)
where the pastor stated that as we move from the Thanksgiving season to the Christmas season,
it's easy to go from thankfulness to discontent.   Christmas always brings out the "I need this"  in us
as we look in catalogs and online for gifts,  instead of rejoicing and whole heartedly celebrating the birth of our Saviour!
This devot., once again, gives the reason behind why we should be grateful, why it's even good for us.
I have also included the sermon I was talking about by Andy Stanley (the devots. I send so frequently from    are from his dad-Dr. Charles Stanley's ministry.)   The sermon is about 20 minutes, but my and I thought it was very good.   Really shows how our hearts can become discontent with what we have, but also what we can do about fixing that.
Lastly, I have included a petition below for a Believer who has been imprisoned for their faith overseas.  I've mentioned them before, but it's the petitions signed, the prayers lifted up and the heat politically turned on toward the country holding them that makes a difference in their release or continued imprisonment.    Scripture begs us to not forget about them and think of ourselves as being bound in prison with them (Hebrews 13:3).
As you sign, pray and pass on, it's just another reason we can think of to be grateful-we are free to serve the Lord Jesus, but we are also free to be a voice for others who have risked their lives for faith in Him.
Pray you have a blessed, safe, and healthy week!
Devot.   (Used by permission.   Taken from
Petition Below:

Christian Pastor John Cao – a U.S. permanent resident – has been wrongfully convicted and sentenced in China . . .

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Christian Pastor John Cao - a U.S. permanent resident - has been wrongfully convicted and sentenced in China.
After decades working in China and Burma (Myanmar), providing for the poor, sharing the love of Christ, and establishing schools for impoverished children, Pastor John was arrested and imprisoned by Chinese authorities as part of their increased crackdown on Christian pastors.
Sign the Petition Now
Pastor John's wife and 2 sons (all U.S. citizens from North Carolina) desperately want their father released and returned home to America.
Pastor John has been unjustly targeted for his Christian faith and sentenced to seven years in prison.
He's already been imprisoned for more than 20 months. His health is deteriorating, as he's lost over 50 pounds. He's forced to share a cell with a dozen inmates and only 1 bed.
We're representing Pastor John's family, aggressively working internationally for his ultimate freedom. We've mobilized our resources across the globe and are urging China to release Pastor John and allow him to come home to the United States to be reunited with his wife and kids.
Now he needs your voice.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

Devot. In Everything Give Thanks

Hi Folks,
I hope you are having a super weekend!  Below is a Read and Share devot. from  I pray it blesses you this week.  
Lord bless you and yours!

Devot./Sermon/Song and Article

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a very blessed Thanksgiving and each of us are thinking more seriously about how we can start to count our blessings, even little ones, though our day.  
I have several things of interest below: 
1.  A devot. encouraging the cultivation of a thankful/grateful spirit and why we should work on this area in our life.
2.  A sermon my mom and I watched Sunday on the same subject.   It's short, but spiritually power packed and it hits the nail on the head that we should cultivate a thankful heart!
3.  A link to my favorite Thanksgiving song which runs along the same vein:)
I also have an email article below on the young man that was killed last week by Indians on a remote island in India.
The news media makes him seem like he's a nut, but the article below gives a clear picture of this man, and the his heart he had for telling folks about Jesus.    He reminds me of missionary, Jim Elliot and how he gave his life in the exact same way:
Read this article above when you have a chance and look at the short video given in the story on what happened after Jim was martyred..   AMAZING is all I can say....have to see the video to see what I mean, but God can bring eternal beauty out of the ashes!
I hope you have super and blessed week as you count and see all the blessings God has given you!
(Used by permission.   Taken from
Sermon:  "God Bless Us All":  (Taken from
November 21, 2018

Christian Martyr: John Allen Chau

John Allen Chau, a Covenant Journey alumni, was martyred on November 17 by the Sentinelese tribal people on the island of North Island. "When I heard the news of John's death, I couldn't believe it. I was numb. John loved people, and he loved Jesus. He was willing to give his life to share Jesus with the people on North Sentinel island," said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Covenant Journey. "Ever since high school, John wanted to go to North Sentinel to share Jesus with this indigenous people," said Staver.
Based on information that has become available since his death, it is now known that...
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