Thursday, June 30, 2016

Devot. Christian Freedom

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good week!  

The devot. for today is Christian Freedom, since this coming Monday is 4th of July :)

We have can freedom from sin's effect on our lives and spiritual separation from God in hell because of the Cross of Christ! 

I pray the devot. is an encouragement!!  

 I have also included a 24 minute audio link by Dr. Charles Stanley on what the Cross means in light of our culture today.    Please listen to it when you have a chance this weekend.

Lord bless and keep you and yours this weekend! 

Devot.  (Used by permission.   Taken from


Monday, June 27, 2016

Prayer Request for WV Families!

Dear Friends,
This was from an email sent to me on Saturday from a conservative organization that keeps me up to date on national news.   I had not realized the flooding that was happening in West Virginia.  
The state needs prayer, folks!
Below are the details of the flooding, the effects and especially how we can be praying.
If you can help, I'm sure it would be appreciated, but all of us can certainly prayer.
Have a good week!

The news out of West Virginia is shocking. The death toll has DOUBLED in just the past few hours. Thousands are facing loss of everything. My friend Gary LeBlanc and his Mercy Chefs team are rushing to the epicenter of the devastation. I'm asking the Grassfire team to help Mercy Chefs provide hot meals to victims and volunteers. Please go here to rush relief to West Virginia, and see below for more details.

Steve Elliott

P.S. Gary and his team will be serving hot meals within 24 hours! This is critical. Your gift TODAY will help feed victims and volunteers in West Virginia RIGHT AWAY. It costs just $2.50 to serve a meal. Your $25 tax-deductible gift can help feed 10 people;  $50 can help feed 20 people; 100 can serve 40 meals. Go here:
Donate to Mercy Chefs

mercy chefs

Friday P.M.

The devastation from the flooding in West Virginia is escalating by the minute. I have been in near constant contact with emergency officials who are saying this is a 1,000-year flood. Twenty are confirmed dead and the death toll keeps rising.

Help Bring Relief
I just ordered an EMERGENCY DEPLOYMENT of all available Mercy Chefs resources to White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia -- at the epicenter of the hardest hit region and already one of the most economically suppressed communities in the entire country.

If you saw the video of the burning house floating down the river... that's where we will be stationed. The pastor we are in contact with says they are still rescuing people from their homes -- it's life or death for many and thousands are facing the loss of everything.

Grace, the situation is FAR WORSE than we even knew a few hours ago. I am rushing to get our team there TOMORROW (Saturday). If humanly possible, we will be serving our first meals Saturday evening!

I URGENTLY need your help. Quite frankly, we are still recovering from the lengthy deployment in Texas. Funds are tight. But I must respond.

Can I count on your EMERGENCY HELP right now as my staff and I deploy to this devastated area of West Virginia? Go here to make your tax-deductible gift right now to help Mercy Chefs serve victims and volunteers in flood-devastated West Virginia:

Donate to Mercy Chefs

I am working to get my staff in position and begin serving meals as fast as possible. I expect to be serving meals for DAYS as officials are still rescuing victims and power may not be restored to areas in the foreseeable future.

If the Lord has blessed you, would you consider making an over-and-above gift right now? Perhaps some can give $100, $250, $500 or even $1,000 or more. THE NEED IS THAT DESPERATE.

I will be leaving EARLY TOMORROW and will be providing updates upon arrival (or sooner if news warrants).


Please PRAY for those who are still facing life-and-death scenarios, for the thousands who are encountering the loss of everything, and for Mercy Chefs and other volunteers and rescue workers who are working to bring relief.

God bless,


P.S, I have my best chefs and workers rushing to West Virginia as I write. I will be leaving in the morning. The situation is desperate. We will be feeding meals as soon as Saturday night or at the latest Sunday. Please help. As always, your gift is tax deductible. Go here:

Donate to Mercy Chefs


  + + + + +
Grassfire, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2016 Grassroots Action, Inc.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Devot. Justice or Mercy?

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a nice week! 
The devot. for today focuses again on the justice and mercy of God.
God is described in Scripture as a Judge.  As a human judge gives out justice to the guilty one, so he can also give mercy.   I've also added a song link that ties into this topic perfectly.  It's a favorite of mine and as brings me to tears when I think of what the Lord Jesus has done for me!
Pray it blesses you too. Lord bless you and yours this weekend!
Devot.  (Used by permission.   Taken from

Monday, June 20, 2016

Devot. The Justice and Mercy of the Cross

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend!
The devot. for today shows how God's justice and mercy was revealed on the cross.  
Justice is "the process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals" (taken from
Mercy is God withholding what we deserved. 
What we deserved was  to pay for our sins on a cross of our own!  But God chose to take our punishment  on Himself. 
I pray the devot. is a blessing to your week.  I've included a song link as well.   I've sung the song myself for church and it always reminds me of the sacrificial love of Christ.
Lord bless you and yours this week!  (Devot., song link below)

Friday, June 17, 2016

Bless the LORD, O My Soul!

Dear Friend,
Wanted to share a song that is taken from Scripture (,  is a prayerful one and brings praise to my heart.
Pray it is a blessing!


Devot. The Power of Forgiveness

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good week! 

The devot. for today is a spin off on the past devot. on forgiveness.   I also included another short video link.  This one is an audio clip of Ms. Corrie Ten Boom herself on forgiveness. 

Pray you are blessed!  Have a good weekend!

Devot.  (Used by permission.   Taken from  

Video link:

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Devot. The Cross: The Symbol of Forgiveness

Dear Friends,

I hope you had a good week!
We are back on the topic of the Cross of Christ. This week we will focus on how the Cross is a symbol of forgiveness-Christ's forgiveness of mankind's sin. But we can apply this to our lives-  how we can forgive even the most painful of wrongs through the power of the Cross.

There is a true story that my mom has reminded me of many times through the years when I didn't think I could forgive someone.
The lady in the story is Ms. Corrie ten Boom, whom I mentioned last month during Holocaust Remembrance Day.  She survived a concentration camp and when she was freed, God called her to share her story around the world.  

I have included a link that shares the story of how she was confronted with the struggle to forgive and the power of Jesus to help her.  It's powerful and I prayerfully hope it will stick in your mind as it has mine.

Lord bless and keep you and yours this weekend!

Devot.  (Used by permission.   Taken from

Story of forgiveness:

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Today We Remember Our Fallen Article, Devot and Video Clip

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a good week.  
This email was sent to me on Monday by a Christian agency that keeps me up on current event in the US and lets me know how I can help make a difference.   It includes some quotes by our presidents that were inspirational and I wanted to share.
I have also included a devot. that caught my eyes and a swet military family reunion that rought tears to my eyes. 
 Lord bless you and yours this weekend!
Devot.  (USed by permission.   Taken from

"Memorial Day remains one of America's most cherished patriotic observances. The spirit of this day has not changed - it remains a day to honor those who died defending our freedom and democracy."  Congressman Doc Hastings (Ret)

       On the very first Decoration Day in 1868, President James Garfield stood before an audience of 5,000 and paid tribute to the fallen heroes whose headstones, decorated with flowers, stood upright behind him as a testament to their sacrifice. He solemnly acknowledged, "For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue."  

A century later Decoration Day became Memorial Day, decreed by federal law in 1967.

Since the birth of our nation nearly 240 years ago, men and women have sacrificed their lives for our country to preserve the God-given liberties that are enshrined in our Constitution.

+ + Liberty Counsel honors those who have served our nation!

ArlingtonMemorial Day gives all of us an opportunity to honor America's heroes, to recall their sacrifice and courage and to respect the selflessness of their ultimate sacrifice. We owe them this respect and debt of gratitude.

I urge you to take time today to honor the memory and families of veterans "lest they be forgotten."
As Abraham Lincoln is attributed with saying, "[T]he nation which fails to honor its heroes, the memory of its heroes, whether those heroes be living or dead, does not deserve to live, and it will not live."

Also, please say a prayer for our active military personnel who are engaged in conflicts around the world or performing their assigned duties here at home. Thank you.

God bless you, God bless America, and God bless our service men and women and their families!

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

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