Saturday, March 26, 2016

Devot. Enclosed by Wickedness

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good week!  Here is another Good Friday devot. to prepare our hearts for this Holy weekend.
I've been asking my students this week what Easter is all about.   Several have replied that it is the day God showed His love  for us, which is true!  When I asked one of my teens, 'So if someone asked you, 'What's the big deal about Christ's resurrection?'  he replied, "Because it's awesome!!"   
 It was an awesome day.   Christ defeated sin, hell and the grave, proved He was indeed God to those who did not believe Him and made a way for all mankind to get to Heaven through faith in Himself.   That is pretty awesome!
Pry this devot. is a reminder of Christ's sacrificial death for you and that you all will celebrate along with my family by being in God's House this Sunday.  Lord bless!
Devot.  (Used by permission.   Taken from  

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