I pray
you had a blessed week and are healthy! I also hope you had as special and blessed Resurrection Sunday as me and my family did. It has a special meaning for 2 reasons: 1. Because of Jesus rising again we have the hope of heaven through faith in Him! 2. Anytime I get to spend with my family is special:)
devot. focuses on the 2nd verse of The Old Rugged Cross. Pray it is a blessing
and inspiration.
I also
have 2 prayer requests for believers overseas. 1. My Sunday School teacher
shared at our church's Bible study last night that Iranian
Christians are planning to celebrate Resurrection this coming Sunday (not sure
why they postponed it last week).
Iranian government has said that if believers celebrate this Sunday, they (the
government) will be mopping up the streets w/ their blood.
PRAY for the protection of these dear folks this weekend. Ask the Lord to send
angels to protect them (Psalm 34:7 talks about angels encamping around those who
fear God) and for
their courage at this time. They truly show the rest of the Christian world
what it means to be a Christian and to stand for Christ. We are called to pray
and stand by those who are persecuted and in
prison in Heb. 13:3 so please remember them.
2. The UN has had to stop sending
much needed food and supplies to Syrian refugees due to a lack of funds.
Christian agencies are stepping up to
help. Please pray for the Lord to supply the desperate need in this area (Phil.
4:19). May the Lord bless and provide for you all this week! Devot. below.
Devot. (Used by permission. Taken from
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