Sunday, March 2, 2014

Devot. How to Love

The devot. for today is on How to Love, according to the Scriptures.
Human love can be shown in various ways, though words, actions (grocery shopping, taking out the trash,washing the dishes, cleaning a room without being asked:) or even what you don't do (not engaging in a potential argument but walking away, not being unfaithful, holding your tongue and not speaking critically or negatively.)
Everybody shows love in different ways based on how they were taught to love as a kid and how God made them.
But how can we love family, friends, even enemies in a Christ like way?  The devot. below will give you some ideas.
Pray you put the Lord Jesus at the center of you and your family this week!  God bless!
(Explanation of verses 13-16: Don't be surprised that the world and nonChristian will not readily receive you. Once we have trusted Jesus for salvation, we are passed from spiritually death to spiritual life.  We know this because we will have a heart desire to love other Christian in a godly way.   To hate someone is just the same as phy. killing them.  We know God's love for us because He laid down His life for us.   We should be willing to do that for other believers if it came to that.)

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