Friday, March 28, 2014

Devot. The Prayer of Faith

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a blessed week!  The devot. for today is again on faith and prayer.
In order for our prayers to be heard and answered according to what God thinks is very best for us (just as an earthly would consider their child's request and answer in their best interest), we must not have 'active sin' in our lives-lying, ungodly 'habits' (smoking, drinking, cursing, shacking up,  etc), living in a way that doesn't show Christ living on the inside. 
Psalm 66:18, "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:"
On the other hand Isaiah 30:19 states, "he will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he shall hear it, he will answer thee."
The song and Scripture links below share that we must keep sin out of our lives, 'keep the way clear' in order for God to hear our prayers and answer in a way that is best for us. 
I pray you and your family have a blessed, Christ centered weekend!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Devot. Praying For Faith

Dear Friends,

I hope you had a blessed, Christ centered week. 

 This devot. is on praying that God will increase our faith. 
In order for this to happen, sometimes God has to take us
through trials and tests in order for that to be accomplished. 
Just as an oak tree gains deeper roots and the strength to withstand future storms through rain and ice storms, and harsh winds, so God must send us through storms to dig our spiritual roots deeper, rely more upon Him, develop our personal relationship with Him.

"The meaning of trial is not only to test worthiness, but to increase it; as the oak is not only tested by the storms, but toughened by them." (Streams in the Desert, Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, Page 232) (Scripture Link, Devot. below)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Defend the American Flag From Being Banned

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From the American Center For Law and Justice:

In a shocking decision, a federal court of appeals just ruled that a public school is allowed to ban the American flag.

Even worse, the Ninth Circuit allowed the display of the Mexican flag, but not the American flag.

How could this happen? How can a court rule that a foreign flag is acceptable but an American flag is not?

The court held that the American flag could be banned because the kids displaying the flag were threatened.
But shouldn't the school stop the threats rather than ban the flag?

This is a key First Amendment battle. Displaying the American flag is free speech, and we can't stifle patriotic free speech in the face of anti-American threats.

When the case is appealed, the ACLJ will file a key brief. Join us. Add your name to the brief:

Sign the Brief to Defend the American Flag Today.

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Devot. How to Love

The devot. for today is on How to Love, according to the Scriptures.
Human love can be shown in various ways, though words, actions (grocery shopping, taking out the trash,washing the dishes, cleaning a room without being asked:) or even what you don't do (not engaging in a potential argument but walking away, not being unfaithful, holding your tongue and not speaking critically or negatively.)
Everybody shows love in different ways based on how they were taught to love as a kid and how God made them.
But how can we love family, friends, even enemies in a Christ like way?  The devot. below will give you some ideas.
Pray you put the Lord Jesus at the center of you and your family this week!  God bless!
(Explanation of verses 13-16: Don't be surprised that the world and nonChristian will not readily receive you. Once we have trusted Jesus for salvation, we are passed from spiritually death to spiritual life.  We know this because we will have a heart desire to love other Christian in a godly way.   To hate someone is just the same as phy. killing them.  We know God's love for us because He laid down His life for us.   We should be willing to do that for other believers if it came to that.)