Since it is still the month of February, I'm going to be sharing a few devotions from the Bible on the subject of Love:
Where does love come from, the kinds of love mentioned in the Bible, how we are to love folks according to Scripture, God's Love for us and our love for Him.
In this devotional, I will share a few personal thoughts at the beginning and then include a link, with permission, from In Touch Ministries website.
I also include a Scripture link from that backs up the devot. I hope you learn something from The Word!
When I think about love, a few important definitions stand out to me personality.
For the single/never married: "True Love Waits"- mentality, physically, emotionally, spiritually for 'the right one' to come along (yes, there are 4 areas of waiting, it's not just physical. They work together.) You commit to save yourself for that special person you have been praying for or re-commit if you have not waited. (1 Cor. 6:13-20, 7:1-2 and others)
For the married/those who are 'going steady' (I love the expression!) : True Love remains faithful (in the 4 mentioned areas) and endures through the toughest of times. You do for the other person, even when they don't do for you. You give 100% of your energy, faithfulness, acts of service, not 50%, even when your spouse or future mate is only giving half and you do it as 'unto the Lord.' (Colo. 3:23-24, 1 Cor. 10:31).
For Believers: True Love is loving those who are unsaved or don't want Christ in their lives by our actions, attitudes etc. towards them and other Believers. Jesus said in John 13:35, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." A 'trademark' of a true, genuine Christian is their visible, Christian love (charity) towards another believer. Folks will only want what we have and Who we have on the inside if we treat those who are spiritual 'brothers and sisters' in Christ the way we would want to be treated (Luke 6:31-The Golden Rule). Also if we don't love God as we should (heart, soul, mind and strength- first mentioned in Deuteronomy 6:5 and restated in Matt. 22:37, Mk. 12:30, Lk. 10:27) then we cannot love anyone else as God would have us care for them (1 Jn.1:10-11, 2:8-11 says that if we walk in spiritual light vs. spiritual darkness we will love our 'brother in Christ' as Christ command us.)
I hope this devot. is a blessing and gives all of us a better insight into Who gave us this love, what love really is and how we can apply is to everyone we meet.
Lord bless your week! (devot. from In Touch and Scripture link below)