Friday, July 29, 2022

Devot. Deliverance from Fear

 Hello Dear Friends,

I hope everyone has had a good week!!
I felt the Lord impress my heart that the topic of the release from fear was needed for this week.  

There are so many concerns and fears in our world-the economy, job market, inflation, health issues, Covid still there and now Monkeypox.

I pray that the devot. and songs below would be a comfort and blessing to you or someone you know that might need an encouraging word from the Lord.  

Have a blessed weekend! 

Devotional: Deliverance from Fear:
(Used by permission.  Taken from


Friday, July 15, 2022

The Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Abortion Doctor

 Hi Folks,

I hope you had a super week!!  I have a hot topic below, but I am sending it out because I feel GOD wanted me to put it out there: The Supreme Court Ruling on Abortion. 

As a woman and a pro lifer,  it's not that I wish that women would not have a choice in healthcare, it's that I wish that the lives of innocent, tiny human beings were not destroyed.  They are not given a choice whether they live or die.   These little ones have no say.  How many of these little people could make a difference in our world through medical research, be the ones to find a cure for Covid or be a great political leader etc if they were given The Right to live?

President Ronald Regan wisely said, “I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”    

Might you think for a moment, "What if MY MOM had chosen to NOT give ME life?  Or if she couldn't take care of me, would she have made the choice to give me to someone who could and would love to have me or would she have gotten rid of me?" 

I don't think we ever think of that as people who ARE alive.   

But I speak from experience on both of these thoughts.....I am adopted...I don't know much about my story, but I do know that my mother was very young and could not take care of me.  In the country I was born in, it's a poor country where female infanticide still happens to this day. spite of the fear of ostracization, stigma, maybe the fear of impending birth, my mom CHOOSE to give me life, let me go out of her life, and be adopted by a loving family who could take care of me and wanted another child (and they were not young when they got me:).   I'm glad she was Selfless enough to think of me from Day 1, until I was brought into the world and then thinking of my life beyond. Without her choosing life, I wouldn't be here and I'm glad I was given the CHANCE to live! :)

Below is some food for thought this week.   Maybe you are on the side of innocent babies and don't know how to explain to someone why you are pro life, what you believe and how to have a polite dialogue about this hot topic.  Below is a link where you can get a FREE guide via email about how to engage in thoughtful, respectful dialogue on the right to life. 

Maybe you are on the side of abortion and you have your reasons why you stand by it.  This guide is also for you:). It gives many reasons why folks believe abortion is right, but gets you to think through your belief in the process.   I thought the statements were chosen well ("My body, my choice" for instance), but it was good to unpack the statement and think it through.  

I also included a link I just listened to and am going to use this in place of a devotional because it's so intriguing-a former Planned Parenthood abortion doctor (Dr. Giebink) shares her journey.  
It was a very interesting listen, done with great compassion on her part with the intent of speaking to both sides .  
I was VERY IMPRESSED with how she shared her story and I would HIGHLY encourage you to take a listen  (it's not a long listen)!! 
 She also wrote a book as well, "Unexpected Choice." 

Hope you have a super weekend!!

Devot. I Am The United States of America

 Hi Folks,

I hope you had a good 4th of July with family and friends!
Below are 2 Independence Day devots. and a neat, but short story on the Declaration of Independence.  
I found it on our church's bulletin and I'm not sure who wrote it, but it is a neat reading. 
Have a blessed weekend!

(Devots. used by permission.  Taken from

Devot. Glorious Liberty

Devot. Are You Still Free?


“I was born on July 4, 1776, and the Declaration of Independence is my birth certificate. The bloodlines of the world run in my veins, because I offer freedom to the oppressed. I am the United States of America.

I am 330 million living souls and the memory of millions more who lived and died for me. I am Nathan Hale and Paul Revere. I stood at Lexington and fired the shot heard around the world. I am Washington, Jefferson, and Patrick Henry. I am John Paul Jones, Daniel Boone, and Davy Crockett. I am the Gettysburg Address and Abraham Lincoln standing for the freedom of all men.

I am the Brooklyn Bridge, the wheat fields of Kansas, and the granite hills of Vermont. I am the coal mines of West Virginia and Kentucky; the Golden Gate, and the Grand Canyon. I am Constitution Hall and the Washington Monument.

I am a vast land! I sprawl from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. I am 3,531,905 square miles, throbbing with industry! I am 2,100,000 farms that produce the food that feeds my millions of citizens. I am forest, field, mountain, and desert. I am quiet villages and cities that never sleep.

You can look at me and see Benjamin Franklin walking down the streets of Philadelphia with a loaf of bread under his arm. You can see Betsy Ross with her needle and thread. You can see the lights of Christmas and hear the strains of “Auld Lang Syne” as the calendar turns to begin a New Year.

I am Babe Ruth and the World Series. I am Peyton Manning and Tom Brady battling it out in the Super Bowl. I am Michael Jordan taking the final shot! I am the hundreds of thousands of schools and colleges, and 380,000 churches where people are free to worship God as they wish. I am the most recognized flag in the world, waving proudly all over my land. I am a ballot dropped in a box, the roar of a crowd in a stadium, and the beautiful voices of a choir in a cathedral.

I am Eli Whitney and Stephen Foster. I am Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and Albert Einstein. I am Henry Ford, Will Rogers, and the Wright Brothers. I am Memorial Day parades in every town, Friday nights on the high school football field, and parents cheering for their Little Leaguers on Saturday.

Yes, I am the land of opportunity. I was conceived in freedom, and God willing, in freedom I will spend the rest of my days. The whole world looks to me for help, guidance, and encouragement when trouble arises. I am the land of the free and the home of the brave, a citadel of freedom, and a beacon of hope to the world.

“More than a decade ago, a Supreme Court decision literally wiped off the books of fifty states statutes protecting the rights of unborn children. Abortion on demand now takes the lives of up to 1.5 million unborn children a year. Human life legislation ending this tragedy will some day pass the Congress, and you and I must never rest until it does. Unless and until it can be proven that the unborn child is not a living entity, then its right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness must be protected.” (Ronald Reagan)

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.  My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth." (Ps. 139:14-15)