Hi Folks,
I hope you are having a blessed week!
I hope you are enjoying our devotional topic on storms and spiritually growing through it.
I'm not trying to depress anyone with the idea of storms and trials, but I'm trying to prepare ahead of time.
I've heard the expression, "You are either going through a storm, having gone through one, or about to go through one."
It's good to spiritually prepare ourselves ahead of time, for the testing and trials that can come our way, like anyone would prepare for a storm. I pray that this bolsters you this week!
Below is a devot. and also I song I found that was a blessing to my heart. Lord bless you and yours this week!
Devot. https://www.intouch.org/read/magazine/daily-devotions/gratitude-in-affliction (Used by permission. Taken from https://www.intouch.org/)